Nephilim Giants must have Existed here the Evidence
Nephilim Giants must have Existed here the Evidence Nephilim Giants in the distant past have left their big feet impressions all over the world. If you don’t believe this then please explain all these impressive footprints. Guys that’s not one weirdo fanatic going from one country to another “in the past” with a brᴀss or …

Medieval soldier found with sword and knives at the bottom of a Lithuanian lake
Medieval soldier found with sword and knives at the bottom of a Lithuanian lake Middle Ages more than 500 years ago The soldiers’ bodies settled on the bottom of a lake in Lithuania, covered beneath mud for decades. Well, those submerged ruins have finally been discovered. During the underwater inspection at the old Dubingiai Bridge …

Archaeological Destination – Tips That Will Change Your Experience
Archaeological Destination – Tips that will change your Experience The absolutely most desired thing among people is travelling, especially when the destination you are visiting is of any archaeological value. There is something freeing when you are away from your everyday life and getting a chance to travel through time and experience something that has …

The World’s 10 Oldest Living Trees
The World’s 10 Oldest Living Trees There are colonies of trees which have lived for millions of years. These trees are the eyewitness of emergence and decline of civilisations. Here we are covering the top 10 oldest trees of the whole world. Let’s have a look. 10. Chestnut Tree of One Hundred Horses This tree, …

Megalithic Temples in Malta: The Oldest in the World
Megalithic Temples in Malta: The Oldest in the World Malta’s prehistoric megalithic Temples are considered to be among the earliest temples in civilization, dating back to before the Pyramids of Egypt and the Stonehenge stone structures. These impressive buildings have been designed for three different ages, approximately between 3600 BC and 700 BC, and some …

A lost 8th continent is hidden nearly 1,000 miles under Europe, new research shows. Scientists named it ‘Greater Adria.’
A lost 8th continent is hidden nearly 1,000 miles under Europe, new research shows. Scientists named it ‘Greater Adria.’ Not all the continents missing are myths like Atlantis; here is one whose existence is only scientifically confirmed. Greater Adria broke off from North Africa 240 million years ago. About 120 million years later, it started sinking …

Mysterious Markings May Hold Clues to Origin of Writing
Paleoanthropologist Discovers Set of Geometric Signs Used Around the World 40,000 Years Ago Paleoanthropologist and rock art scholar Genevieve von Petzinger decided in 2007 to undertake the study of geometric signs found in caves and other sites, dating back as far as 40,000 years ago during the Stone Age. Although many people know of the familiar petroglyphs …

Ancient ships of death: Were they on a mission of politics or plunder?
Ancient ships of death: Were they on a mission of politics or plunder? For more than a thousand years the ships of death moldered unseen on the shore of the Baltic Sea, sheltering the bones of dozens of Viking-era young men and a trove of rich possessions. Now, after analyzing the ships and skeletons, researchers …

Pyramids Discovered Under Water Off Coast of Cuba, Might be Atlantis
Pyramids Discovered Under Water Off Coast of Cuba, Might be Atlantis The remains of what may be a 6000-year-old city immersed in deep waters off the west coast of Cuba was discovered by a team of Canadian and Cuban researchers. Offshore engineer Paulina Zelitsky and her husband, Paul Weinzweig and her son Ernesto Tapanes used sophisticated …

What Are the Mysterious and Enormous Stone Spheres Found in Costa Rica?
What Are the Mysterious and Enormous Stone Spheres Found in Costa Rica? Many will be familiar with the opening scene of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” where a giant stone sphere nearly crushes Indiana Jones to death. While everyone recognizes the movie as a work of fiction, the giant stone spheres are not. While clearing …