Infants from 2100 years ago were found with helmets made of children’s skulls
Infants from 2100 years ago were found with helmets made of children’s skulls Archaeologists excavating a site in Salango, Ecuador, have discovered evidence of a burial ritual that might even make Indiana Jones shiver. As the researchers report in the journal Latin American Antiquity, excavations at a pair of 2,100-year-old funerary mounds revealed several unusual …

FEFU archaeologists have found the oldest burials in Ecuador
FEFU archaeologists have found the oldest burials in Ecuador Archaeologists of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) found three burials of the ancient inhabitants of South America dated from 6 to 10 thousand years ago. The excavations were carried out in Atahualpa Anton, Ecuador. The findings belong to the Las Vegas archaeological culture of the …

Priests Discover Golden Library Built by Giants Inside of a Cave in Ecuador?
Priests Discover Golden Library Built by Giants Inside of a Cave in Ecuador? About two years ago we brought up the fact that in Ecuador a priest made one of the most incredible discoveries of the 21st century, to say the least. But because it didn’t get all that much attention, we figured it’d be …

Infants from 2100 years ago found with helmets made of children’s skulls
Infants from 2100 years ago found with helmets made of children’s skulls According to the new study, two babies from ancient South American burial mounds have been discovered wearing helmets made from the skulls of other infants. As researchers tell in their report published earlier this month in the science journal, Latin American Antiquity, this …

Fossil of giant owl that lived 40,000 years ago in Ecuador found
Fossil of giant owl that lived 40,000 years ago in Ecuador found Argentinian and Ecuadorian researchers have found the fossilized remains of an owl that preyed on its smaller relatives. An owl unlike anything seen today, which roamed on the continent of South America 40,000 years ago, has been described as a “biological rarity” due …

A trove of 5,000-year-old artifacts returns to Ecuador
A trove of 5,000-year-old artifacts returns to Ecuador Almost 40 years after the objects were moved to Canada for research, a series of artifacts from one of the most ancient settled civilizations in America was returned to Ecuador. Although historical artifacts and art treasures have become fairly common in their places of origin, the current …

Ecuador Expose the Skeletons of an Ancient Race of Giant Humans – 7 Times Bigger Than Modern Humans
Ecuador Expose the Skeletons of an Ancient Race of Giant Humans – 7 Times Bigger Than Modern Humans According to a research team led by British anthropologist Russell Dement, strikingly tall skeletons uncovered in the Amazon region of Ecuador and Peru are undergoing examination in Germany. Will these remains prove that a race of tall …