Blue Fibers Found in Dental Calculus of Maya Sacrifice Victims
Blue Fibers Found in Dental Calculus of Maya Sacrifice Victims More than 15 years after its discovery, Belize’s Midnight Terror Cave is still leaving clues about more than 100 people who were sacrificed to the Maya rain god there more than a millennium ago. Used for burial during the Maya Classic period (A.D. 250 to …

Archaeologists unearth a 1,000-year-old Maya settlement in central Belize
Archaeologists unearth a 1,000-year-old Maya settlement in central Belize A site first highlighted by a farming community in Belize is enabling archaeologists to piece together what life was like for Mayans living centuries ago. Modern archaeology is less often about finding big monuments and more about understanding how people lived. For anthropology graduate students Rachel …

Ancient Mayan pyramid destroyed in Belize by the construction company
Ancient Mayan pyramid destroyed in Belize by the construction company A construction company in Belize destroyed one of the oldest and most famous Mayan pyramids while digging for crushed rock for a road they were constructing. Authorities reported that the company was carrying out the work with bulldozers and backhoes, chipping away at the pyramid’s …

Jadeite tool discovered in ancient underwater salt works
Jadeite tool discovered in ancient underwater salt works In the enigmatic culture of the Maya people, Jade took up a special place, crafted into elaborate trinkets rich with ancient meaning and lore. But this precious stone was not meant for decorative or ornamental finery. Jade – in the form of its mineral variety, jadeite – also seems …