Oldest Known Spearthrowers Found At 31,000-Year-Old Archaeological Site Of Maisières-Canal
Oldest Known Spearthrowers Found At 31,000-Year-Old Archaeological Site Of Maisières-Canal The hunter-gatherers who settled on the banks of the Haine, a river in southern Belgium, 31,000 years ago were already using spearthrowers to hunt their game. This is the finding of a new study conducted at TraceoLab at the University of Liège. The material found …

Roman Dodecahedron Fragment Found in Belgium
Roman Dodecahedron Fragment Found in Belgium A metal detectorist in Belgium has unearthed a fragment of a mysterious bronze artifact known as a Roman dodecahedron that is thought to be more than 1,600 years old. More than a hundred of the puzzling objects — hollow, 12-sided geometric shells of cast metal about the size of …

Scientists Extract DNA From Ancient Humans Out of Cave Dirt
Scientists Extract DNA From Ancient Humans Out of Cave Dirt Around 45,000 years ago, in a Belgian cave, a Neanderthal died. As its body decayed, its cells split apart, spilling their contents onto the cave floor. Those remnants included the Neanderthal’s DNA, some of which stuck to minerals in the sediment. There, leashed to the …

What Happened to the Waterloo ᴅᴇᴀᴅ?
What Happened to the Waterloo ᴅᴇᴀᴅ? Were the bones of fallen Battle of Waterloo soldiers sold as fertilizer? As very few human remains have been found from what was such a bloodied affair, killing thousands, it’s a conclusion that a new study suggests is most probable. However, publishing his findings today – exactly 207 years …

Painted Medieval Burial Vaults Uncovered in Bruges
Painted Medieval Burial Vaults Uncovered in Bruges Excavations at a cemetery in the centre of Bruges have yielded an extraordinary find. Archaeologists have discovered three painted burial vaults dating from the 14th century. The find was made last May during works in a street in the vicinity of the Church of Our Lady in Bruges (West …

Neanderthals disappeared from Europe thousands of years earlier than we thought
Neanderthals disappeared from Europe thousands of years earlier than we thought CNN reports that Neanderthal remains previously dated to about 37,000 years ago are about 10,000 years older, based upon new dates obtained by an international team of researchers through a process called liquid chromatography separation. It is exactly when Neanderthals, our nearest relatives, died …

70 million – year – old Underground village And Magnificent Eben-ezer tower In Belgium
Mysterious 70-Million-Year-Old Underground Village And Magnificent Tower Of Eben-Ezer In Belgium The Tower of Eben-Ezer is a 33-meter high tower built single-handedly out of flint by a man who worked on it for over ten years to display his artistic, paleontological, and theological discoveries. Who built it? Some of these mysterious subterranean worlds are famous …