Alcohol Bottles Uncovered at Convict Station in Tasmania
Alcohol Bottles Uncovered at Convict Station in Tasmania In the structural remains of solitary cells of the convicts in Tasmania, archaeologists have unearthed hundreds of convict era artefacts. 160 prisoners took part in the construction of a highway between Hobart and Launceston between 1838 and 1847 at the Picton Road Station in the Southern Midlands. …

Charred Leftovers Show What Food Australians Ate 65,000 Years Ago
Charred Leftovers Show What Food Australians Ate 65,000 Years Ago Contaminants of different plant food aged between 65,000 and 53,000 years ago have been discovered in North Australia by researchers. The remains, which are preserved as pieces of charcoal, were found in debris from ancient cooking hearths at Madjedbebe—a sandstone rock shelter thought to be …

Discover the Breathtaking Opal Gemstone Called ‘Rainbow Tree’ from Australia
Discover the Breathtaking Opal Gemstone Called ‘Rainbow Tree’ from Australia Opal stones are always incredible to see, and this one is no exception. This is a Boulder Opal that’s known as the ‘Rainbow Tree’ From Queensland, Australia and it’s pretty amazing. It’s so astounding to witness this natural piece of crystal, created from the Earth. …

40,000-Year-Old Tree Shows What Happened During Earth’s Last Magnetic Pole Reversal
40,000-Year-Old Tree Shows What Happened During Earth’s Last Magnetic Pole Reversal Trees are living memorial statues, and we can learn a lot from their rings. A tree can tell you if the winter was wet or if the area was affected by hurricanes or fires. One particular tree attracted the attention of everyone. It was …

Earth’s oldest known meteor crash site found in Australian Outback
A 2.2-billion-year-old crater is Earth’s oldest recorded meteorite impact Throughout its life, our planet has been pummelled by countless asteroids and comets – even more so than the crater-ridden Moon. Today, thanks to Earth’s continually changing surface, there are remarkably few scars left to tell the tale. Australia’s relatively stable and ancient landscape not only harbours …

Scientists discover humans may have been living in Australia for 120,000 years
Scientists discover humans may have been living in Australia for 120,000 years When did the first people arrive in Australia?…did they follow the routes we’re told about? Makes sense, doesn’t it?…coming down through Papua New Guinea, the Asian corridor to the top end of Oz, where we’re told the earliest evidence is found…but another site …

Australia wildfires reveal ancient aboriginal aquaculture system built before the Egyptian pyramids
Australia wildfires reveal ancient aboriginal aquaculture system built before the Egyptian pyramids Further parts of an ancient aquaculture system built thousands of years ago by indigenous people in Victoria Southwest were uncovered by fire. Last year’s UNESCO World Heritage List was included in the Budj-Bim cultural landscape which includes an elaborate series of stone-lined channels and pools …

Gemstone Turns Out to Be Fossil of an Unknown Dinosaur
Gemstone Turns Out to Be Fossil of an Unknown Dinosaur Unearthing a beautiful opal is usually a reward in itself. Discovering that your gemstone is actually an opalized fossil of a millions-year-old, previously unknown dinosaur, well that’s priceless. Precious stones recovered from the opal fields of Australia have turned out not just to be opalised …

Ancient rock art at Carnarvon Gorge destroyed after walkway explodes in bushfire
The aftermath of fire damage to important rock art at the Baloon Cave tourist destination, Carnarvon Gorge, Queensland, Australia The ancient aboriginal rock art in the Baloon Cave in Australia can not be restored following the fire damage, caused by a recycled plastic walkway, ignited into a fireball in 2018. After the recycled plastic walkway, old …

Scientists Spot Merchant Vessel Sunk During World War II
Long-lost shipwreck found off Victorian coast, 77 years after being torpedoed by Japanese submarine in WWII The wreckage of an Australian freight ship sunk by a Japanese submarine during World War II has been uncovered by archaeologists off the coast of Victoria. The ore freighter SS Iron Crown sank within 60 seconds in June 1942 …