600-year-old Medieval lingerie set found in an Austrian castle
600-year-old Medieval lingerie set found in an Austrian castle It is hardly racy by today’s standards but this skimpy lingerie has certainly shocked historians. The lace and linen undergarments date back to hundreds of years before women’s underwear was thought to exist. They had lain hidden in a vault beneath the floorboards of an Austrian …

Teenage woolly mammoth with soft tissues intact found on Yamal peninsula
Teenage woolly mammoth with soft tissues intact found on Yamal peninsula She is 42,000 years old and has come a long way for her Australian debut. First, she was recovered from the frozen mud in Siberia that was her tomb for so long. Then she was packed into a crate at a tiny museum in …

Genetic Link Between Australasians and South Americans Studied
Genetic Link Between Australasians and South Americans Studied Science Magazine reports that researchers led by Tábita Hünemeier of the University of São Paulo have detected a genetic signal ᴀssociated with early people living in South Asia, Australia, and Melanesia in additional populations in South America. The genetic signal of Australasian ancestry in so far-flung a …

Was a 5-Meter-Tall Human Skeleton Unearthed in Australia?
Was a 5-Meter-Tall Human Skeleton Unearthed in Australia? In July 2015, the World News Daily Report (WNDR) entertainment website published an article about a 5-meter-tall (approximately 16.5 feet) human skeleton that was unearthed in Australia: The gigantic hominid specimen that measures an incredible 5.3 meters tall (17 foot and 4 inches) was discovered near the ancient ruins …

Chocolate uncovered by National Library 120 years past expiry date still almost good enough to eat
Chocolate uncovered by National Library 120 years past expiry date still almost good enough to eat One of the world’s oldest boxes of chocolates, dating back 120 years to the Boer War, was discovered by conservators at the National Library of Australia. At the bottom of a box of personal papers from the estate of …

A 46,000-Year-Old Aboriginal Site Was Just Deliberately Destroyed in Australia
A 46,000-Year-Old Aboriginal Site Was Just Deliberately Destroyed in Australia The mining company was permitted to blow Juukan Gorge Cave, which provided traditional owners with a 4000-year old genetic link. An extension of an iron ore mine destroyed a sacred site in Western Australia which has been continuously inhabited for 46,000 years and provides a …

Baby lyuba, the worlds most complete and Best-Preserved Woolly Mammoth
Baby lyuba, the worlds most complete and Best-Preserved Woolly Mammoth She is 42,000 years old and has come a long way for her Australian debut. First, she was recovered from the frozen mud in Siberia that was her tomb for so long. Then she was packed into a crate at a tiny museum in Russia …

7,000 years old Australian Aboriginal Sites Discovered Underwater
7,000 years old Australian Aboriginal Sites Discovered Underwater According to a report released July 1 , 2020, in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Jonathan Benjamin of Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia and colleagues, ancient submerged Aboriginal archaeological sites await underwater rediscovery off the coast of Australia. Sea levels were about 80 metres lower than today …

Hundreds of Rock Art Images Documented in Australia
Hundreds of Rock Art Images Documented in Australia Cosmos Magazine reports that 572 Maliwawa Figures have been documented for the first time at 87 different rock art sites in northern Australia’s Arnhem Land. Paul Taçon of Griffith University said the red figures, drawn between 6,000 and 9,400 years ago, depict humans and animals living in …

Mining exec steps down after company destroys ancient Australian sacred sites
Mining exec steps down after company destroys ancient Australian sacred sites The chief executive of Rio Tinto, the world’s second-largest mining company, will step down after a shareholder revolt over the company’s willful destruction of prehistoric rock shelters sacred to two Australian Indigenous groups. “Significant stakeholders have expressed concerns about executive accountability for the failings …