A crystal mountain in Egypt near an Oasis

A crystal mountain in Egypt near an Oasis which dates to 33 million years ago. “Crystal Mountain”. Located within the white desert, 120 km from the Farafra Oasis and 160 km from the Bahariya Oases is one of the rarest mountains in the world, it is a mountain full of different crystal, where there are …

2,500 Years Ago, Herodotus Described a Weird Ship. Now, Archaeologists Have Found it.

2,500 Years Ago, Herodotus Described a Weird Ship. Now, Archaeologists Have Found it. Herodotus may be considered the father of history, but he is not specifically proven to be accurate. Still, Dalya Alberge reports for the Guardian, the discovery of an ancient vessel that matches one described in the chronicler’s Histories adds weight to a …

Huge Statue of God Horus Found in Egyptian Temple

Huge Statue of God Horus Found in Egyptian Temple Throughout excavations at the site of remains of The House of Millions of Years Temple for AmenH๏τep III, the Egyptian-German Joint Archeological Mission in the Koam-al-Hetan area of Luxor’s West Bank discovered an “enormous” statue of Horus. In a statement issued on Thursday, the statue, which shows …

The Statue of Lady Sennuwy of Asyut Emerges from the ground at Kerma Sudan in 1913

The Statue of Lady Sennuwy of Asyut Emerges from the ground at Kerma Sudan in 1913 The flourishing, wealthy empires of Nubia have lined the nile in Southern Egypt and Sudan more than a thousand years before Jesus. A century ago, in partnership with Harvard University, the Boston archeologist George Reisner, Made an excavation in …

Egypt: Experts discover pharaoh’s boat in perfect condition

Egypt: Experts discover pharaoh’s boat in perfect condition Archeologists of Egypt uncovered a boat claimed to have been “perfectly preserved” by Pharaoh Khufu himself, which led to verified theories of how ancient civilization constructed their wonders. Probably the most famous and well known of Egypt’s many ancient landmarks and includes the Great Pyramid of Giza, the …

Small Sphinx Uncovered at Egypt’s Necropolis of Khumun

Small Sphinx Uncovered at Egypt’s Necropolis of Khumun On Saturday, 14 December in the archeological area of Tuna El-Gebel at Minya, Upper Egypt, a small royal statue of a sphinx was uncovered. The recently found sphinx of limestone stone has been revealed by SayedAbdel-Malek’s Egyptian Archeological Team. Middle Egypt’s Director General of Antiquities Gamal El-Samastawy said …

Buried Christian (and pagan) basilica discovered in Ethiopia’s ‘lost kingdom’

Buried Christian (and pagan) basilica discovered in Ethiopia’s ‘lost kingdom’ Recently, in an area of Ethiopia that once was home to the Aksumite Empire, Archeologists discovered the oldest known Christian Church in Subsaharan Africa. Smithsonian magazine reported that the existence of an early basilica, built-in 313 around the time when Constantine legalized the Christian community, …

Red Granite Bust of Ramesses II Unearthed in Giza

Red Granite Bust of Ramesses II Unearthed in Giza On Wednesday, December 11, an Egyptian archeological expedition from the Ministry of Antiquities revealed an unusual royal bust of King Ramses II made of red granite in a private area in the village of Mit Rahina, Giza. The bust that has recently been discovered is emblazoned with the …

From representation to reality: ancient Egyptian wax head cones from Amarna

Archaeologists have finally found ancient Egyptian wax head cones Many men with cone-shaped headgear were depicted in ancient Egyptian paintings but no actual representations are identified for a long time. Now, an international team of archaeologists reports the discovery of the first actual head cones at the city of Amarna. Pharaoh Akhenaten rendered Amarna and it …

1,700-Year-Old Sock Spins Yarn About Ancient Egyptian Fashion

1,700-Year-Old Sock Reveals The Height Of Fashion In The Days Of Ancient Egypt All know how hard it is to try to find the lost sock. Just think about discovering a 1,700 years later. This is precisely what happened when this ancient Egyptian sock was first plucked in the early 1900s out of the trash …