Mysterious Ancient Structures Hidden Under The Sand In The Sahara Desert

Mysterious Ancient Structures Hidden Under The Sand In The Sahara Desert

Mysterious Ancient Structures Hidden Under The Sand In The Sahara Desert Hundreds of stone structures dating back thousands of years have been discovered in Western Sahara, a territory in Africa little explored by archaeologists. The structures seem to come in all sizes and shapes, and archaeologists aren’t sure what many of then were used for …

This 3.3-Million-Year-Old Hominin Toddler Was Kind of Like Us

This 3.3-Million-Year-Old Hominin Toddler Was Kind of Like Us

This 3.3-Million-Year-Old Hominin Toddler Was Kind of Like Us In a fragment of sandstone sticking from the soil in the sparkling flatlands of Northeast Ethiopia, a fossil fragment of the cheekbone has been detected. Zeresenay Alemseged almost instinctively realised that he had come across something important. The skinbone brought a jaw, parts of a skull …

Archaeologists find Rome-era tombs in Egypt’s the Western Desert

Archaeologists find Rome-era tombs in Egypt’s the Western Desert

Archaeologists find Rome-era tombs in Egypt’s the Western Desert Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered two ancient tombs dating back to the Roman period in the country’s the Western Desert. The team discovered structures of two different architectural styles at the Beir Al-Shaghala site in the Dakhla Oasis, though both were built from mud-brick. Inside the …

Egypt finds 59 ancient coffins buried more than 2,600 years ago

Egypt finds 59 ancient coffins buried more than 2,600 years ago

Egypt finds 59 ancient coffins buried more than 2,600 years ago The Egyptian Minister of Tourism and Antiquities said on Saturday, dozens of ancient coffins were discovered by archaeologists in a large Necropolis south of Cairo. Khalid el-Anany said that 59 sealed sarcophagi, most of them mummies, have been discovered to have buried more than …

2 billion-year-old African nuclear reactor proves that Mother Nature still has a few tricks up her sleeve

2 billion-year-old African nuclear reactor proves that Mother Nature still has a few tricks up her sleeve

2 billion-year-old African nuclear reactor proves that Mother Nature still has a few tricks up her sleeve In Gabon, Africa, the Oklo-Reactor is one of the most intriguing geologic formations on the Earth. In two billion-year-old rocks, natural fissile materials have sustained a slow nuclear fission reaction, as found in a modern nuclear reactor. With a …

An Ancient Egyptian Village Just Found in The Nile Delta Predates The Pyramids by 2,500 Years

An Ancient Egyptian Village Just Found in The Nile Delta Predates The Pyramids by 2,500 Years

An Ancient Egyptian Village Just Found in The Nile Delta Predates The Pyramids by 2,500 Years An extremely rare treasure has been found by Egyptian archaeologists in the delta of the Nile: remnants of an ancient settlement dated back to around 5,000 BC. It’s one of the oldest ever discovered in the region, predating the pyramids …

Sarcophagus of 26th-Dynasty Priest Found in Upper Egypt

Sarcophagus of 26th-Dynasty Priest Found in Upper Egypt

Sarcophagus of 26th-Dynasty Priest Found in Upper Egypt Ahram Online reports that a sarcophagus dated to the 26th Dynasty (688–525 B.C.) and a collection of ushabti statuettes were found in a 16-foot-deep shaft at the archaeological site of Al-Ghoreifa, which is located in Upper Egypt. An Egyptian archaeological mission has unveiled a new collection of amulets and …

2-Million-Year-Old Human Ancestor Preserved Tissue Maybe the oldest skin ever discovered

2-Million-Year-Old Human Ancestor Preserved Tissue Maybe the oldest skin ever discovered

2-Million-Year-Old Human Ancestor Preserved Tissue Maybe the oldest skin ever discovered The remains of six skeletons are believed to have uncovered fossilised skins of an ancient human ancestor, who lived two million years ago. Anthropologists believe they have found the preserved skin tissue of an early human species known as Australopithecus sediba in an ancient …

Divers Uncover Ancient Temple Submerged Within The ‘Egyptian Atlantis’

Divers Uncover Ancient Temple Submerged Within The ‘Egyptian Atlantis’

Divers Uncover Ancient Temple Submerged Within The ‘Egyptian Atlantis’ The remnants of the ancient submarine temple were found in the ancient sunken town of Heracleion, off the north coast of Egypt, identified as the Atlantic of Egypt. About 1,200 years ago the town sank into the sea but after it was discovered 2,000 marine archaeologists …

After 3,300 Years, king tuts Coffin Leaves His Tomb for the First Time Ever

After 3,300 Years, king tuts Coffin Leaves His Tomb for the First Time Ever

After 3,300 Years, king tuts Coffin Leaves His Tomb for the First Time Ever The outermost coffin that once held the body of King Tutankhamun had never left the 3,300-year-old tomb since the time he was first laid to rest. Even after archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb in 1922, the wooden coffin remained in …