‘Oldest tattoo’ found on 3,000-year-old Egyptian mummies

‘Oldest tattoo’ found on 3,000-year-old Egyptian mummies

‘Oldest tattoo’ found on 3,000-year-old Egyptian mummies The village of Deir el-Medina in ancient Egypt, 3,000 years ago, housed a community of artisans, all of whom lived and worked together on tombs in the Kings’ Valley. But new evidence has emerged that tombs were not their only creative outlet. A number of tattoos on the …

A Lost Roman City Has Been Found 1,700 Years After a Tsunami Sank It

A Lost Roman City Has Been Found 1,700 Years After a Tsunami Sank It

A Lost Roman City Has Been Found 1,700 Years After a Tsunami Sank It After several years of archaeological discovery in quest of the ancient city of Neapolis, a vast 1,700-year-old Roman settlement has been found off the coast of Tunisia. As mentioned by a Roman soldier and historian, Ammien Marcellin, Neapolis is believed to …

Emerald Tablets Of Thoth, 50,000-Year-Old Tablets Reportedly From Atlantis

Emerald Tablets Of Thoth, 50,000-Year-Old Tablets Reportedly From Atlantis

Emerald Tablets Of Thoth, 50,000-Year-Old Tablets Reportedly From Atlantis The Thoth Tablets are imperishable, resistant to all elements, acids, and corrosion. According to Bibliotecapleyades, in truth, the atomic and cellular structure is set and no change can take place, thus violating the material law of ionization. Upon them are engraved characters in the Ancient Atlantean …

This 4,500-Year-Old Ramp Contraption May Have Been Used to Build Egypt’s Great Pyramid

This 4,500-Year-Old Ramp Contraption May Have Been Used to Build Egypt’s Great Pyramid

This 4,500-Year-Old Ramp Contraption May Have Been Used to Build Egypt’s Great Pyramid In a 4,500-year-old quarry in Egypt, archaeologists have uncovered an ancient ramp structure that could justify how the ancient Egyptians constructed the pyramids. According to researchers from the University of Liverpool and Cairo’s French Insтιтute for Oriental Archaeology, the Daily Mail says, …

2,000 Years old Colourful Artworks Revealed in Egypt’s Temple of Esna

2,000 Years old Colourful Artworks Revealed in Egypt’s Temple of Esna

2,000 Years old Colourful Artworks Revealed in Egypt’s Temple of Esna According to a statement released by the University of Tübingen, a team of Egyptian and German researchers has removed layers of soot and bird excrement from the 2,000-year-old decorations in the surviving pronaos, or vestibule, at the Temple of Esna. Reliefs and inscriptions are …

Nearly 100 coffins buried over 2,500 years ago found in Egypt

Nearly 100 coffins buried over 2,500 years ago found in Egypt

Nearly 100 coffins buried over 2,500 years ago found in Egypt On 14 November, Egyptian antiquities officials declared the discovery. Some of the coffins had mummies inside them, the officials said. Archaeologists discovered as many as 13 coffins from a burial ground in Egypt back in September that was believed to have been sealed for …

Skull of two-million-year-old human ‘cousin’ unearthed in South Africa

Skull of two-million-year-old human ‘cousin’ unearthed in South Africa

Skull of two-million-year-old human ‘cousin’ unearthed in South Africa In an archaeological excavation deep in a South African cave system led by Australian, a 2-million-year-old cranium from a big dented remote human cousin was discovered. The finding is the oldest known and best-preserved case of Paranthropus robustus, a small-brained hominine called Paranthropus robustus, La Trobe …

Archaeologists discover 35 burial chambers in the Sudan desert with fascinating links to Ancient Egypt

Archaeologists discover 35 burial chambers in the Sudan desert with fascinating links to Ancient Egypt

Archaeologists discover 35 burial chambers in the Sudan desert with fascinating links to Ancient Egypt Archaeologists excavating a site in Sudan have discovered 35 pyramids revealing fascinating links between the bygone Kingdom of Kush that once existed there and ancient Egypt. The pyramids, which date back around 2,000 years, are smaller than most Egyptian examples …

Archaeologists Diving Under a 2,300-Year-Old Pyramid Find Ancient Treasure

Archaeologists Diving Under a 2,300-Year-Old Pyramid Find Ancient Treasure

Archaeologists Diving Under a 2,300-Year-Old Pyramid Find Ancient Treasure Somewhere Below the surface of the kiddie-pool sized patch of brown water is the entrance to the 2,300-year-old tomb of a pharaoh named Nastasen. If I crane my neck back far enough, I can just make out the eastern flank of his pyramid rising nearly three …

Scientists Analyze Ancient Egyptian Ink containing lead were likely used as drier on ancient Egyptian papyri

Scientists Analyze Ancient Egyptian Ink containing lead were likely used as drier on ancient Egyptian papyri

Scientists Analyze Ancient Egyptian Ink containing lead were likely used as drier on ancient Egyptian papyri Cosmos Magazine reports that a team of chemists, physicists, and Egyptologists from the University of Copenhagen and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility used advanced X-ray microscopy equipment to analyze the chemical composition of the ink markings found on papyrus fragments …