Ancient Egypt archaeologists find 30 mummies in a fire-scorched sacrificial chamber

Ancient Egypt archaeologists find 30 mummies in a fire-scorched sacrificial chamber

Ancient Egypt archaeologists find 30 mummies in a fire-scorched sacrificial chamber Hidden within a fire-scorched structure near the Nile River in Aswan, Egypt, archaeologists discovered the entrance to a 2,000-year-old family tomb. Inside, they found 30 mummies of various ages, including several arthritis-ridden elderly people, as well as children and a newborn. Though the archaeologists …

What Did Human Ancestors Eat?

What Did Human Ancestors Eat?

What Did Human Ancestors Eat? Quintessential human traits such as large brains first appear in Homo erectus nearly 2 million years ago. This evolutionary transition towards human-like traits is often linked to a major dietary shift involving greater meat consumption. A new study published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, however, …

Ancient city found in Ethiopia sheds new light on the country’s history

Ancient city found in Ethiopia sheds new light on the country’s history

Ancient city found in Ethiopia sheds new light on country’s history Archaeologists have uncovered an ancient, forgotten city in Ethiopia once thought to be the home of giants. The discovery reveals important new information about the origins of international trade and Islam in the country between the 10th and early 15th centuries. This is the …

Archaeologists Unearth Colossal Pair of Sphinxes in Egypt During Restoration of Landmark Temple

Archaeologists Unearth Colossal Pair of Sphinxes in Egypt During Restoration of Landmark Temple

Archaeologists Unearth Colossal Pair of Sphinxes in Egypt During Restoration of Landmark Temple A pair of giant limestone sphinxes have been unearthed by archaeologists excavating the temple of AmenH๏τep III, who ruled ancient Egypt about 3,300 years ago and was the grandfather of Tutankhamun. The statues depict the pharaoh wearing a mongoose-shaped headdress, a royal …

Has the Burial Chamber of Ancient Egyptian Queen Neferтιтi Been Found?

Has the Burial Chamber of Ancient Egyptian Queen Neferтιтi Been Found?

Has the Burial Chamber of Ancient Egyptian Queen Neferтιтi Been Found? Egyptian archaeologists announced recently they may have found the burial place of Queen Neferтιтi in a hidden chamber close to the pharaoh’s burial complex in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. The final resting place of Neferтιтi, who served as queen alongside Pharaoh Akhenaten over …

Ancient Egyptian mummy of a young girl is first with a bandaged wound

Ancient Egyptian mummy of a young girl is first with a bandaged wound

Ancient Egyptian mummy of a young girl is first with a bandaged wound Before you go, “Aren’t all mummies wrapped in bandages, hardy, har, har,” hilarious, but let us explain. Scientists have found the oldest-known example of a bandaged wound on the mummy of a child who once lived in Ancient Egypt. Business Insider reports …

4,000-Year-Old Mummies Are Half Brothers, DNA Analysis Shows

4,000-Year-Old Mummies Are Half Brothers, DNA Analysis Shows

4,000-Year-Old Mummies Are Half Brothers, DNA Analysis Shows Using ‘next generation’ DNA sequencing scientists have found that the famous ‘Two Brothers’ mummies of the Manchester Museum have different fathers so are, in fact, half-brothers. The Two Brothers are the Museum’s oldest mummies and amongst the best-known human remains in its Egyptology collection. They are the …

A child mummy from Egypt is the first found with a dressed wound, offering a rare glimpse into ancient medicine

A child mummy from Egypt is the first found with a dressed wound, offering a rare glimpse into ancient medicine

A child mummy from Egypt is the first found with a dressed wound, offering a rare glimpse into ancient medicine Scientists found the first recorded example of a bandaged wound on a mummified body, which could offer more insight into ancient medical practices. The finding was published in the International Journal of Paleopathology, a peer-reviewed journal, …

The earliest human remains in eastern Africa dated to more than 230,000 years ago

The earliest human remains in eastern Africa dated to more than 230,000 years ago

Earliest human remains in eastern Africa dated to more than 230,000 years ago Ancient human fossils discovered in Ethiopia are much older than previously thought, experts claim, saying they could be as much as 230,000 years old. The remains – known as Omo I – were discovered in Ethiopia in the late 1960s, and are …

Why is Nikola Tesla obsessed with Egyptian pyramids?

Why is Nikola Tesla obsessed with Egyptian pyramids?

Why is Nikola Tesla obsessed with Egyptian pyramids? Nikola Tesla died somewhat unappreciated but his fame and the myth around him has continued to grow tremendously into our times. He is now perceived as the ultimate mad scientist, the one who essentially invented our times, credited with key ideas leading to smartphones, wi-fi, AC electrical …