Ancient eggshell in the Northern Cape hiding 300,000 years of history

Ancient eggshell in the Northern Cape hiding 300,000 years of history

Ancient eggshell in the Northern Cape hiding 300,000 years of history Evidence from an ancient eggshell has revealed important new information about the extreme climate change faced by human early ancestors. The research shows parts of the interior of South Africa that today are dry and sparsely populated, were once wetland and grᴀssland 250,000 to …

Oldest Gynaecological Treatment On Record Performed In Ancient Egypt 4,000 Years Ago

Oldest Gynaecological Treatment On Record Performed In Ancient Egypt 4,000 Years Ago

Oldest Gynaecological Treatment On Record Performed In Ancient Egypt 4,000 Years Ago In their latest research, scientists have come across a treatment practice in a mummy from 4000 years ago, as written in ancient Egyptian medical papyri. This treatment has been recorded as the first gynaecological treatment to date. Scientists from the Universities of Granada …

‘Garbage dump’ discovered in ancient Egyptian tomb dedicated to the fertility goddess

‘Garbage dump’ discovered in ancient Egyptian tomb dedicated to the fertility goddess

‘Garbage dump’ discovered in ancient Egyptian tomb dedicated to the fertility goddess Figurines of deities and priests as well as vessels with a breast motif are among several hundred items discovered by archaeologists at an ancient garbage dump in Egypt. Polish researchers at the Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor in the south of the country, …

Roman-Era Pottery Workshop Uncovered in Egypt

Roman-Era Pottery Workshop Uncovered in Egypt

Roman-Era Pottery Workshop Uncovered in Egypt Archaeologists in Egypt have discovered an ancient pottery workshop — with the remains of rounded vessels, coins, figurines and even a ‘ritual room’ — dating to the beginning of the Roman period in Tabba Matouh, West Alexandria.  Ancient workers primarily used the site for crafting amphorae —  two-handed vessels …

A Mᴀssive, Black Sarcophagus Has Been Unearthed in Egypt, And Nobody Knows Who’s Inside

A Mᴀssive, Black Sarcophagus Has Been Unearthed in Egypt, And Nobody Knows Who’s Inside

A Mᴀssive, Black Sarcophagus Has Been Unearthed in Egypt, And Nobody Knows Who’s Inside Archaeological digs around ancient Egyptian sites still have plenty of secrets to give up yet – like the huge, black granite sarcophagus just discovered at an excavation in the city of Alexandria, on the northern coast of Egypt. What really stands …

What Ancient DNA Reveals About Life in Africa 20,000 Years Ago

What Ancient DNA Reveals About Life in Africa 20,000 Years Ago

What Ancient DNA Reveals About Life in Africa 20,000 Years Ago Every person alive on the planet today is descended from people who lived as hunter-gatherers in Africa. The continent is the cradle of human origins and ingenuity, and with each new fossil and archaeological discovery, we learn more about our shared African past. Such …

Ancient DNA reveals surprises about how early Africans lived, travelled and interacted

Ancient DNA reveals surprises about how early Africans lived, travelled and interacted

Ancient DNA reveals surprises about how early Africans lived, travelled and interacted A new analysis of human remains that were buried in African archaeological sites has produced the earliest DNA from the continent, telling a fascinating tale of how early humans lived, travelled and even found their significant others. An interdisciplinary team of 44 researchers …

An Ancient Papyrus Reveals How The Great Pyramid of Giza Was Built

An Ancient Papyrus Reveals How The Great Pyramid of Giza Was Built

An Ancient Papyrus Reveals How The Great Pyramid of Giza Was Built Stones weighing up to fifteen tonnes were hauled down the Nile on wooden boats to a man-made port. For centuries it has been one of the world’s greatest enigmas: how did a primitive society with little technology build the Great Pyramid of Giza …

Scents Help Researchers Identify Contents of Egyptian Vessels

Scents Help Researchers Identify Contents of Egyptian Vessels

Scents Help Researchers Identify Contents of Egyptian Vessels More than 3,400 years after two ancient Egyptians were laid to rest, the jars of food left to nourish their eternal souls still smell sweet. A team of analytical chemists and archaeologists has analysed these scents to help identify the jars’ contents1. The study shows how the …

Egypt uncovers the 4,000-year-old painted tomb of a royal palace official

Egypt uncovers the 4,000-year-old painted tomb of a royal palace official

Egypt uncovers the 4,000-year-old painted tomb of a royal palace official Five painted tombs were recently unearthed in Saqqara, an ancient Egyptian necropolis just outside of Cairo, according to a report by Reuters. The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said that a recent excavation of burial shafts resulted in the finding of the tombs, …