Could Homo Naledi Control Fire?

Could Homo Naledi Control Fire?

Could Homo Naledi Control Fire? An ancient hominid dubbed Homo naledi may have lit controlled fires in the pitch-dark chambers of an underground cave system, new discoveries hint. Researchers have found remnants of small fireplaces and sooty wall and ceiling smudges in pᴀssages and chambers throughout South Africa’s Rising Star cave complex, paleoanthropologist Lee Berger announced in …

Egypt’s Fayum Oasis Yields Funerary Structure and Portraits

Egypt’s Fayum Oasis Yields Funerary Structure and Portraits

Egypt’s Fayum Oasis Yields Funerary Structure and Portraits The Egyptian archaeological mission at the Garza archaeological site in Egypt’s Fayoum city uncovered on Thursday a large funerary building/structure dating back to the Ptolemaic and Roman eras. This is the 10th excavation season for this mission, which began excavations in 2016. The Garza village, previously known …

Two mysterious ‘secret chambers’ were discovered inside Egypt’s Great Pyramid using cosmic rays and space particles

Two mysterious ‘secret chambers’ were discovered inside Egypt’s Great Pyramid using cosmic rays and space particles

Two mysterious ‘secret chambers’ were discovered inside Egypt’s Great Pyramid using cosmic rays and space particles Two secret chambers have been discovered in Egypt’s 4,500-year-old Great Pyramid of Giza. Researchers confirmed they had found the mysterious cavaties after scanning the centuries-old tomb using revolutionary radiography equipment. The Scan Pyramids project made the latest discovery after …

50kg Silver Bar Found In Madagascar May Be Treasure Of Notorious Pirate Captain Kidd

50kg Silver Bar Found In Madagascar May Be Treasure Of Notorious Pirate Captain Kidd

50kg Silver Bar Found In Madagascar May Be Treasure Of Notorious Pirate Captain Kidd A 50 kg block of silver with inscriptions, which is now under armed guard on Sainte Marie island off the east coast of Madagascar. The bar was presented to Madagascar’s president at a special ceremony in 2015. The bar is imprinted …

Scientists discover 80,000-year-old bone tools

Scientists discover 80,000-year-old bone tools

Scientists discover 80,000-year-old bone tools Until the beginning of this century, the production of fully worked bone tools was considered an innovation introduced in Europe around 40,000 years ago by modern humans. Research carried out over the last two decades has led to the discovery of bone tools in several regions of Africa, some of …

Mummies With Golden Tongues Found in Egypt

Mummies With Golden Tongues Found in Egypt

Mummies With Golden Tongues Found in Egypt An Egyptian archaeological mission has unearthed a new part of the Quweisna necropolis in Menoufiya governorate that is replete with mummies with golden tongues. The discovery was made during excavations carried out in the central Nile Delta governorate in the past three months at the necropolis. The mission …

Colonnaded Hall Discovered in Egypt’s Nile Delta

Colonnaded Hall Discovered in Egypt’s Nile Delta

Colonnaded Hall Discovered in Egypt’s Nile Delta Remains of the colonnades hall of Butu Temple were uncovered during excavations carried out by an Egyptian archaeological mission at Tel Al-Farayeen, Kafr El-Sheikh in the northern Nile Delta. A collection of pots used in religious rituals was unearthed along with decorated stone engravings depicting scenes that date …

46 Eagles in vivid colour revealed on Ancient Egyptian temple ceiling

46 Eagles in vivid colour revealed on Ancient Egyptian temple ceiling

46 Eagles in vivid colour revealed on Ancient Egyptian temple ceiling A joint German/Egyptian archaeological mission at the Temple of Esna on the west bank of the Nile, 35 miles south of Luxor in Egypt, has revealed some original colours and patterns in the part of the temple complex during restoration work. Sand dust, filth, …

Pyramid and Hundreds of New Kingdom Coffins Found in Egypt

Pyramid and Hundreds of New Kingdom Coffins Found in Egypt

Pyramid and Hundreds of New Kingdom Coffins Found in Egypt Just a stone’s throw from King Tut’s tomb, archaeologists have unearthed the pyramid of a never-before-known ancient Egyptian queen; a cache of coffins, mummies and artefacts; and a series of interconnected tunnels. For the past two years, archaeologists have been working at Saqqara, an archaeological …

New Thoughts on Egypt’s Ancient Branding Irons

New Thoughts on Egypt’s Ancient Branding Irons

New Thoughts on Egypt’s Ancient Branding Irons Small branding irons from ancient Egypt were likely used to mark the skin of human slaves, a new study suggests. Several ancient texts and illustrations, as well as 10 branding irons dating to 3,000 years ago, suggest that ancient Egyptians branded slaves. These branding irons, actually made of …