3,300-Year-Old Chamber Tombs Filled With Bones Discovered in Greece

3,300-Year-Old Chamber Tombs Filled With Bones Discovered in Greece

3,300-Year-Old Chamber Tombs Filled With Bones Discovered in Greece In an interesting burial ground in Greece in the Mycenaean era, two big chamber tombs dating back to around 1300 BC were discovered. Previously discovered tombs in the area were extensively looted, but these two are completely intact, offering exciting new insights into the culture and …

Divers find temples and treasure in Egypt’s ancient city of Heracleion

Divers find temples and treasure in Egypt’s ancient city of Heracleion

Divers find temples and treasure in Egypt’s ancient city of Heracleion A trove of artefacts, including the remains of a temple, gold jewelry, coins and the missing piece of a ceremonial ship, have been found by divers swimming through Heracleion, an ancient Egyptian city now underwater. Heracleion — named after the legendary Hercules, who ancient …

The Most Famous Fossils Ever Discovered

The Most Famous Fossils Ever Discovered

These Are Some Of The Most Incredible Fossils Ever Unearthed So, what precisely makes a fossil famous? Is it thrust into the limelight because of its scientific importance or because of the miraculous manner in which it was found? Or maybe it’s the moment when the discovery was created. We would argue it’s a combination of …

Ancient Advanced Technology: 2,400-Year-Old Yakhchals Kept Ice in the Desert

Ancient Advanced Technology: 2,400-Year-Old Yakhchals Kept Ice in the Desert

The Yakhchāl was an ancient Persian “the refrigerator” that stored food and even ice long before electricity was invented The ancients were smarter than certain individuals think today. They had no rockets and electricity, no undisputed evidence of such techniques has been discovered, but they have developed technology which we generally do not ᴀssociate with the …

What made this ancient society sacrifice its own children?

What made this ancient society sacrifice its own children?

Why were hundreds of children sacrificed in ancient Peru? Archeologists who found them must have been shocked, perplexed and saddened before they first found the children’s bodies. Why would someone ever kill hundreds of kids ritually? What kind of monster is capable of such incredible evil. In Peru archeologists who have lately digged something out …

500-Year-Old Incan ‘Princess’ Mummy Finally Returned To Bolivia After 129 Years

500-Year-Old Incan ‘Princess’ Mummy Finally Returned To Bolivia After 129 Years

500-Year-Old Incan ‘Princess’ Mummy Finally Returned To Bolivia After 129 Years Some 129 years after it was donated to the Michigan State University Museum, a 500-year-old Incan Girl’s mummy has been returned to Bolivia and an official says that human remains of archeological significance are the first time being repatriated back to the Andean country. Known …

9-Year-Old Kid Literally Stumbled on Stunning Fossils of a New Hominid

9-Year-Old Kid Literally Stumbled on Stunning Fossils of a New Hominid

9-Year-Old Kid Literally Stumbled on Stunning Fossils of a New Hominid In South Africa, a young boy walking his dog has unconsciously stumbled through a pair of about 2 million years old which is now supposed to fill an integral gap in our knowledge of human evolution. Nine-years-old Matthew Berger and his dog stumbled in a cavern …

A study of the unearthed skeletons revealed that the deceased lived nearly 1,500 years ago and were all boys belonging to different cultural groups.

A study of the unearthed skeletons revealed that the deceased lived nearly 1,500 years ago and were all boys belonging to different cultural groups.

Ancient Alien-Like Heads Discovered in Croatia Three Ancient Skeletons have been discovered by the archeologists in Croatia, and two of them had pointy, artificially deformed skulls. Each of those skulls had been melded into a different shape, possibly as a way to show they belonged to a specific cultural group. Artificial cranial deformation has been practiced …

Ancient Whale Bones Found in Burica Peninsula of Panama

Ancient Whale Bones Found in Burica Peninsula of Panama

Fossil Hunters Found Bones From An Ancient Whale… And Then They Saw The Bite Marks At the top of the water surface, there was tremendous turmoil. An island of flesh, once comfortably living and swimming through the ancient seas, bobbed silently, at times yanked violently to the side or jolted upward by forces below it. …

The Town that is Literally Living Under a Rock

The Town that is Literally Living Under a Rock

The Town that is Literally Living Under a Rock In the province of Cádiz in southern Spain, there is a tiny settlement where individuals seem to have discovered a way to live more efficiently and with nature. Many of the homes are literally located under the rock, just like the saying and like cavemen, but …