The Remarkable Revival of Château de La Mothe-Chandeniers
In the heart of the picturesque French countryside, nestled in the commune of Les Trois-Moutiers in the Vienne department, stands a testament to history, resilience, and the power of community,Château de La Mothe-Chandeniers.

Rare 3,000-Year-Old Weavings Discovered In Alaska
Rare 3,000-Year-Old Weavings Discovered In Alaska During excavations of an ancestral sod house on the shore of Karluk Lake, Kodiak Island, Alaska, archaeologists uncovered rare fragments of woven grᴀss artifacts estimated to be 3,000 years old. The fragments, which appear to be pieces of mats, are the oldest well-documented examples of Kodiak Alutiiq/Sugpiaq weaving. “We …

Face Of Norwegian Boy Who Lived 8,000 Years Ago Reconstructed
Face Of Norwegian Boy Who Lived 8,000 Years Ago Reconstructed Using DNA analysis and modern forensic techniques, scientists have reconstructed the face of a Stone Age boy who lived in Norway. The Vistegutten – the boy from Viste died at only 14 years old. Why he pᴀssed away so early is unknown because it seems …

Lion’s Head Sculpture Discovered in Sicily
Lion’s Head Sculpture Discovered in Sicily A still unfinished marble gargoyle in the form of a lion’s head in Sicily delights researchers. During excavations in Sicily, a research team led by archaeologists from the Ruhr University in Bochum, Prof. Dr. Jon Albers made a spectacular find: they discovered a marble lion’s head on a street in …

‘Extremely rare’ Roman temple discovered on supermarket building site
‘Extremely rare’ Roman temple discovered on supermarket building site Sarsina is a sleepy, rural town of barely 3,000 residents straddling the pristine Apennine mountains in Italy’s Emilia Romagna region, surrounded by stunning views and grazing sheep. While it has a glorious past, as a strategic defensive outpost for the Roman Empire and the birthplace of …

The Abandoned von Zobelтιтz Palace in Poland
This late baroque palace was built at the second part of XVIII century and rebuilt at the beginning of XX century. It survived the World War II and after that was owned by State Agricultural Farm. The palace became abandoned at the end of XX century after the fall of state agricultural farms and since then it started getting into the worse and worse conditions.

A 2,000-year-old wooden bridge that once linked England and Wales discovered
A 2,000-year-old wooden bridge that once linked England and Wales discovered Archaeologists have discovered evidence of Roman and Anglo-Saxon fortifications in the town of Chepstow in the United Kingdom. Surprisingly, however, the town was also home to an ancient bridge that connected England and Wales before the formation of the two countries. Archaeologists discovered the …

Archaeologists have unearthed a stone chest containing the ritual deposit of 15 anthropomorphic figurines
Archaeologists have unearthed a stone chest containing the ritual deposit of 15 anthropomorphic figurines Archaeologists have unearthed a stone chest containing the ritual deposit of 15 anthropomorphic figurines that were placed as votive offerings at the Templo Mayor of Tenochтιтlan in Mexico City. The stone chest was found under the platform of the rear façade …

Exploring a beautiful abandoned castle in Italy
It was built at the end of the 10th century by order of the episcopate and it probably all took place on the remains of a previous structure affected by war and invasions.

History and Transformation of ‘t Hammetje: From Folly Fortress to Eclectic Haven
‘ t Hammetje , also known as Hammetjes Paradijs , officially Ham Viswaterplas , is a plot with a fairytale fortress on the Domstraat north of the canalised river Laak near the Vathorst district in Amersfoort . The structure is a folly and previously did not have the function of a fortress. It has two towers, Willem I and Willem II.