Ancient rock art at Carnarvon Gorge destroyed after walkway explodes in bushfire
The aftermath of fire damage to important rock art at the Baloon Cave tourist destination, Carnarvon Gorge, Queensland, Australia The ancient aboriginal rock art in the Baloon Cave in Australia can not be restored following the fire damage, caused by a recycled plastic walkway, ignited into a fireball in 2018. After the recycled plastic walkway, old …

2,500 Years Ago, Herodotus Described a Weird Ship. Now, Archaeologists Have Found it.
2,500 Years Ago, Herodotus Described a Weird Ship. Now, Archaeologists Have Found it. Herodotus may be considered the father of history, but he is not specifically proven to be accurate. Still, Dalya Alberge reports for the Guardian, the discovery of an ancient vessel that matches one described in the chronicler’s Histories adds weight to a …

Remains of 50 skeletons from the dawn of Britain’s Roman occupation 2,000 years ago unearthed by construction workers building a new school in Somerset
Remains of 50 skeletons from the dawn of Britain’s Roman occupation 2,000 years ago unearthed by construction workers building a new school in Somerset Building workers in the UK have unearthed a large Roman-era cemetery. The burials are of an unusual type, showing spectacular changes in the funerary customs of locals in the 1st century AD. …

Huge Hoard of 1000-year-old Yotvingian Weapons Unearthed in Poland
Huge Hoard of 1000-year-old Yotvingian Weapons Unearthed in Poland Among hundreds of artifacts from a long-disappeared person famous for its warrior culture, archeological specialists discovered rare swords, spears, and knives in the Suwałki region of eastern Poland. Such weapons belonged to 500 artifacts that were excavated on the site of a Yotvingians cemetery dating back around …

Skeleton of Ancient Sports Fan Found Buried with Head-Shaped Jar
Skeleton of Ancient Sports Fan Found Buried with Head-Shaped Jar A 3rd-century A.D. man’s grave in Bulgaria contained a strigil and curiously crafted balsamarium- a vessel from skin- cleansing oils- in the shape of a man’s head fitted with a feline-skin cap, which may be a reference to the Nemean lion slain by Hercules. In …

Archaeologists Excavate 200 More Chinese Terracotta Warriors
There Are 8,000 Known Terracotta Warriors. But Archaeologists in China Just Found More Than 200 Others At the tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, nearly 200 more warriors from the ancient China Terracotta Army were unearthed. The remains of the two chariots, 12 clay horses, bronze swords, arcades and decorative helmets on the site were also …

Demon with Forked Tongue Found on Clay Tablet in Library of ᴀssyrian Exorcists
Demon with Forked Tongue Found on Clay Tablet in Library of ᴀssyrian Exorcists On a 2,700-year-old clay, a demonic figure with curved horns, a forked tongue, tail, and reptilian eyes long lurked was Unobserved is placed at housed of Berlin’s Vorderasiatisches Museum, a new study published in Le Journal des Médecines Cunéiformes suggests. The ᴀssyriologist Troels Pank Arbøll …

Medieval Christian Artifacts Unearthed in Bulgaria
10th Century with Jesus Christ image, peacock ring seal found in Tudia fortress in Bulgaria’s sliven Archaeological excavations of the Late Roman, Early Byzantine and medieval Bulgarian fortress of Tuida in the city of Sliven. Found one of the most notable objects found during 2019 is the cross with an Image of Jesus Christ of the tenth …

More Than 3,500 Copper Coins Repatriated to Mexico
More Than 3,500 Copper Coins Repatriated to Mexico 3,500 tongue-like copper coins were handed over to Mexican authorities in the United States. Mexico daily news Reported. The Mexican Consulate Jessica Cascante in Miami said the coins are thought to have been used in what are now the southwestern Mexican states of Guerrero and Michoacán between A.D. …

Homo erectus’ last known appearance dates to roughly 117,000 years ago
Homo erectus’ last known appearance dates to roughly 117,000 years ago Two million years ago the Homo erectus had evolved and became the first human species to be entirely upright. New evidence suggests it remained there on the Indonesian island of Java just over 100,000 years ago-long after it had disappeared elsewhere. It means when …