Roman aqueduct discovered in Armenia
Researchers from the University of Münster and the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia have unearthed the remains of a Roman arched aqueduct within…

Prehistoric mums cared for kids better than we thought
A recent study conducted by The Australian National University (ANU) has challenged preconceived notions regarding infant mortality rates in ancient societies. Reconstruction of a Neanderthal family in…

Ancient Neanderthal reveals earliest known zoonotic disease transmission
Scientists studying ancient diseases have discovered one of the earliest examples of zoonotic spillover, an event where a disease jumps from animals to humans, CNN reported. Reconstruction…

Diet and health of ancient Pergamon residents revealed in recent research
In an exploration of ancient dietary habits and health in the city of Pergamon, located in western Turkey, recent research and examination of unearthed skeletons dating back…

‘Hero’ stone from Vijayanagar Empire unearthed in Teggarse
Students from MSRS College, Shirva, embarked on a practical expedition that led to the unearthing of a fascinating four-paneled stone inscription believed to date back to the…

Excavation in Larissa reveals Hellenistic era sanctuary
Archaeologists from the Ephorate of Antiquities of Larissa have discovered architectural remains of a monumental building at the “Skiathas” site, specifically in an area where a marble…

Silver plate depicting topless Scythian goddess unearthed in Russia
Archaeologists have unearthed an exquisite silver plate adorned with intricate depictions of winged gods and griffins in a burial ground located in Russia’s Voronezh region. A silver…

Neanderthals changed ecosystems 125,000 years ago
Archaeologists from Leiden University, in collaboration with other researchers, have unveiled compelling evidence that Neanderthals, our ancient relatives, played a pivotal role as ecosystem engineers approximately 125,000…

Ancient funerary complex uncovered in Rome
During an archaeological survey conducted as part of preparations for installing new water pipes in Rome, the remnants of a funerary complex dating back 2,000 years have…

New Runic Inscriptions on bone and wood were discovered in Oslo’s old town
Two significant runic inscriptions were unearthed in Oslo’s old town just before Christmas, according to a report from the Norwegian Insтιтute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU). This…