Persian-era Plaster Walls Found in Nigde Excavation

Persian-era Plaster Walls Found in Nigde Excavation

The excavation at Porsuk-Zeyve Hoyuk, which began in 1968 with permission from the French Archeology Insтιтute from the Turkish authorities, continue this year as well. During earlier…

12,000-Year-Old ‘Ghost footprints’ left by ancient hunter-gatherers discovered in Utah desert

12,000-Year-Old ‘Ghost footprints’ left by ancient hunter-gatherers discovered in Utah desert

They discovered 88 old footprints. It is believed to have been left behind by humans at least 12,000 years ago. Two of the ghost footprints uncovered in…

Shrimp fishermen catch pristine 17th century wooden head

Shrimp fishermen catch pristine 17th century wooden head

A shrimp fishing crew made an unusual catch earlier this week when they pulled up a 17th century wooden head that could have been part of a…

Bioarchaeologists confirm museum shrunken head as human remains

Bioarchaeologists confirm museum shrunken head as human remains

Scientists from Western University have successfully confirmed the genuineness of a South American tsantsa, commonly known as a shrunken head, as actual human remains. This significant development…

Egypt experts shocked by ancient sun temple uncovered near Cairo

Egypt experts shocked by ancient sun temple uncovered near Cairo

According to Live Science, archaeologists discovered the remains of a 4,500-year-old temple dedicated to the Egyptian sun god Ra at the site of Abu Ghurab, about 12…

Influential 15th century monk reburied at St Albans Cathedral

Influential 15th century monk reburied at St Albans Cathedral

A 15th-century monk, Abbot John of Wheathampstead, has finally been laid to rest at St Albans Cathedral after his body was discovered during excavation work in 2017….

Why early Romans used lopsided dice

Why early Romans used lopsided dice

A team of experts from the University of California, Davis and Drew University believe they have solved the puzzle of why people throughout the Roman Empire used…

Pompeii Discoveries Shed Light On Middle-Class Roman Lifestyle

Pompeii Discoveries Shed Light On Middle-Class Roman Lifestyle

In earlier decades, excavation mostly focused on the sumptuous, richly frescoed villas of Pompeii’s upper-class residents. However, archaeology activity at the large site in modern-day Naples have…

Romen-era marble blocks discovered in Turkey’s Prusias ad Hypium

Romen-era marble blocks discovered in Turkey’s Prusias ad Hypium

Archaeologists discovered marble blocks with architectural figures during excavations in the ancient city of Prusias ad Hypium in the northern province of Düzce, according to Daily Sabah….

Archaeologists Rebury ‘First-of-Its-Kind’ Ancient Roman Villa in Scarborough

Archaeologists Rebury ‘First-of-Its-Kind’ Ancient Roman Villa in Scarborough

An extraordinary Roman villa, believed to be the first of its kind ever found, was unearthed on a construction site but has now been reburied. The roman…