Researchers uncover the origins of the Sogdians, mysterious merchants of the Silk Road

Researchers uncover the origins of the Sogdians, mysterious merchants of the Silk Road

In a recent study on the historical and genetic legacy of the Sogdians, some of the major components in the lives of these ancient merchants, who were…

Pompeii excavation reveals spectacular 2,000-year-old private thermal spa and bathhouse

Pompeii excavation reveals spectacular 2,000-year-old private thermal spa and bathhouse

A remarkable discovery in Pompeii is yielding new insights into the luxurious lives led by its elite just before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 CE….

Unveiling the mystery behind Australia’s 1,400-year-old ancient earth rings

Unveiling the mystery behind Australia’s 1,400-year-old ancient earth rings

Mysterious earth rings emerge from the hills onto the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia, in the suburb of Sunbury; they bear the secrets of hundreds of years in…

Ptolemaic-era statue head discovered at Alexandria’s Taposiris Magna

Ptolemaic-era statue head discovered at Alexandria’s Taposiris Magna

A French archaeological mission, headed by Dr. Joachim Le Bomin from the University of Lyon and the IFAO (French Insтιтute of Oriental Archaeology) in Cairo, has achieved…

Archaeologists uncover 7th-century pagan cult site with ritual offerings in the Netherlands

Archaeologists uncover 7th-century pagan cult site with ritual offerings in the Netherlands

A team of archaeologists has uncovered a unique early medieval cult site in the eastern Netherlands, near the hamlet of Hezingen, providing new insight into pre-Christian rites….

Ancient DNA from El Mirón Cave reveals a 46,000-year lineage of the Red Lady

Ancient DNA from El Mirón Cave reveals a 46,000-year lineage of the Red Lady

About 19,000 years ago, a prehistoric woman was buried inside El Mirón Cave, a huge rock shelter in Northern Spain. Her remains, discovered in 2010 by archaeologists…

AI reveals first look inside 2,000-year-old Herculaneum scroll

AI reveals first look inside 2,000-year-old Herculaneum scroll

One of the world’s oldest scrolls, dating back two millennia, originating from the lost Roman city of Herculaneum, long considered unreadable because of the devastating eruption of…

Deliberate engravings on Middle Paleolithic stone tools reveal early human symbolic thought in the Levant

Deliberate engravings on Middle Paleolithic stone tools reveal early human symbolic thought in the Levant

A new study has shown strong proof that early humans in the Levant during the Middle Paleolithic era carved geometric shapes onto stone tools. This hints at…

Archaeologists uncovered 3,500-year-old royal rest house in Egypt

Archaeologists uncovered 3,500-year-old royal rest house in Egypt

Archaeologists working in northeastern Egypt have uncovered the remains of a 3,500-year-old structure believed to be a royal rest house at the Tel Habwa archaeological site in…

2,100-year-old Alexander mosaic reveals secrets in first-ever analysis

2,100-year-old Alexander mosaic reveals secrets in first-ever analysis

The Alexander Mosaic, a remarkable find from Pompeii’s ruins, continues to captivate historians, art lovers, and scholars. Archaeologists discovered it in 1831 in the luxurious House of…