The Oldest Gold Of Mankind was found in the Varna Necropolis
The “Oldest Gold Of Mankind” was found in the Varna Necropolis, on The Bulgarian Black Sea Coast In 1972, an excavator operator working in the industrial zone of the city Varna will stumble upon something that will turn out to be a very significant historical site. The Varna Necropolis has discovered approximately half a kilometer …

Well-Preserved Roman Eagle Unearthed In London
Well-Preserved Roman Eagle Unearthed In London Archaeologists have discovered an extraordinary Roman sculpture in the form of an eagle firmly grasping a writhing serpent in its beak. Working on a site in the City of London, ahead of development of a 16 storey 291 bed H๏τel by Scottish Widows Investment Partnership (SWIP) and its development …

Viking Chess piece bought for less than $10 sells for over $1.3M
Viking Chess piece bought for less than $10 sells for over $1.3M A 900-year-old Viking chess piece purchased for $6 in the 1960s recently sold at auction for $1.3 million. The Lewis Chessmen are intricate chess pieces in the form of Norse warriors that were carved from walrus ivory in the 12th century. A large …

Stolen 12th century Indian Buddha statue found in London
Stolen 12th century Indian Buddha statue found in London A bronze Buddha statue of the 12th century stolen from an Indian museum 57 years ago has surfaced in London and is now returning to the country. The bronze statue with silver inlay is one of 14 statues stolen in 1961 from the Archaeological Survey of …

Bird Three Times Larger Than Ostrich Discovered In Crimean Cave
Bird Three Times Larger Than Ostrich Discovered In Crimean Cave Crimean researchers discovered a bird’s fossil remains three times larger than an oystrich, weighed nearly 450 kilograms, and roamed Europe nearly 1.5 million years ago. The discovery was made in the Tauride Cave on the northern coast of the Black Sea and the specimen suggested …

Ancient Underground ‘City’ Investigated By Iranian Archaeologists
Ancient Underground ‘City’ Investigated By Iranian Archaeologists There are underground cities all over the planet, there are as many as 200 underground cities in Turkey alone. That’s finding more subterranean cities in other parts of the world doesn’t come as a surprise. Now, it has been reported how a group of archeologists has managed to open a …

Roman Lead Sarcophagus Accidentally Found In Granada
Roman Lead Sarcophagus Accidentally Found In Granada When archaeologists began exploring underneath a building in Granada, in the southern Spanish region of Andalusia, they weren’t expecting to find anything of importance. After all, they were just completing a standard prospection of the Villamena building, as required for any planned underground work in the city to …

Ancient temple found inside a pond in Odisha
1,200 Year Old Temple Found Buried In Odisha Sand During the refurbishment job of the Bateswar temple close Rushikulya rookery in Ganjam District of Odisha, on the east shore of India, buried artifacts of the 8th century are emerging. The temple is located on the coastal sand dunes around eight km from the Kolkata-Chennai Highway …

A drought revealed a palace thousands of years old submerged in an Iraq reservoir
A drought revealed a palace thousands of years old submerged in an Iraq reservoir As the waters of the Mosul dam reservoir in northern Iraq receded last fall, they revealed a stunning sight: a Bronze Age palace, many of its mud-brick walls and carefully planned rooms remarkably preserved. The discovery of the ruins in the Mosul …

Severed head of large wolf found perfectly preserved in Siberian permafrost 40,000 years after it died
The severed head of large wolf found perfectly preserved in Siberian permafrost 40,000 years after it died The sensational find is believed to be the world’s first full-sized Pleistocene wolf, and due to the high quality of preservation, provides new insight into the extinct species. You never know what you might encounter during a casual …