The horrendous Viking torture that is the Blood Eagle
Blood Eagle: The Viking Torture Method So Grisly Some Historians Don’t Believe It Actually Happened The Vikings didn’t come into towns walking on moonbeams and rainbows. If their sagas are to be believed, the Vikings cruelly tortured their enemies in the name of their god Odin as they conquered territory. If the suggestion of a blood eagle …

Was Fertility a Factor in the Demise of Neanderthals?
Was Fertility a Factor in the Demise of Neanderthals? Neanderthals could have gone extinct due to a slight drop in their fertility rates, a new study finds. The last of the Neanderthals, the closest extinct relatives of modern humans, disappeared from Europe about 40,000 years ago. Previous research estimated that at its peak, the entire Neanderthal population …

Plans for tennis court to be dug up to search for remains of Saxon King.
Plans for a tennis court to be dug up to search for remains of Saxon King. Saint Edmund is believed to have been killed by the Vikings in the 9th century after refusing to denounce his Christianity. His remains were kept in a shrine in Bury St Edmunds but were later lost during Henry VIII’s …

The Sinister Roman Cavalry Helmet of the Ribchester Hoard
The Ribchester Helmet – An Ancient Roman artifact discovered by a 13-year-old boy while playing behind the house Archeologists have uncovered some extraordinary artifacts over the past centuries that give us a glimpse of human history and help us to understand the many secrets of the ancient world. Over the years there have been numerous …

1,000-year-old Viking toilet uncovered in Denmark
1,000-year-old Viking toilet uncovered in Denmark Did you ever wonder where the Vikings went for Toilet? Or perhaps you didn’t really think about it. We don’t always think about how it used to be with the world’s luxury today, especially a thousand years ago. A 1000-year-old toilet dating back to the Viking age was found …

London archaeology dig: Skeletons reveal noxious environs in early industrial Britain
Skeletons found in London archaeology dig reveal noxious environs News reports and social media anxiety may make us feel that life is tough in Britain today but the extraordinary findings of a new archaeological excavation have provided a salutary reminder that, a couple of centuries ago, it was so much worse. Archeologists working on a …

60,000 skeletons buried in a green area of London have been excavated
Mᴀss dig of 60,000 skeletons from 230-year-old cemetery set to expose London’s secrets A mammoth dig is ongoing that is expected to Unearth 60,000 skeletons from a London cemetery that is 230 years old. To date, 1,200 people’s bones have been exhumed from the burial ground near Euston Station to make way for the new …

Ancient Indian Temple Finally Uncovered After Decades of Being Submerged in Reservoir
Ancient Indian Temple Finally Uncovered After Decades of Being Submerged in Reservoir A decade ago, the waters of the Udyasamudram reservoir at Panagal in India’s Nalgonda district engulfed the Sri Shambulingeshwara Swamy temple. Today, this stunningly beautiful temple, built in the 11th or 12th century AD and dedicated to Lord Shiva, re-emerges as the waters …

‘Oldest Roman library Discovered Beneath German City’ unearthed by Cologne archaeologist
‘Oldest Roman library Discovered Beneath German City’ unearthed by Cologne archaeologist A team of archeologists who digged near the church of Antoniter, a Protestant church in the center of Cologne, Germany, found a puzzling discovery. Beneath the foundations of the church were Roman walls—Cologne (then called Colonia) was founded by the Romans in 50 AD—with a …

Archaeology world: Archaeologists unearth Roman road in the Netherlands
Archaeologists unearth Roman road in the Netherlands Archeologists in the Netherlands have discovered a 2,000-year-old stretch of Roman road and the remains of a Roman village in the town of Katwijk, which once marked the northern boundary of the Roman Empire. The road is 125 meters (410 ft) long and lies close to a busy …