200 million-year-old shoe print found on a lump of coal
200 million-year-old shoe print found on a lump of coal In the past, there have been countless mysterious discoveries that point to the fact that modern humans lived on Earth much earlier than scholars say. Such unexplained observations referred to by many authors as ‘ ooparts — or out of place artifacts’, these enigmatic findings …

Ecuador Expose the Skeletons of an Ancient Race of Giant Humans – 7 Times Bigger Than Modern Humans
Ecuador Expose the Skeletons of an Ancient Race of Giant Humans – 7 Times Bigger Than Modern Humans According to a research team led by British anthropologist Russell Dement, strikingly tall skeletons uncovered in the Amazon region of Ecuador and Peru are undergoing examination in Germany. Will these remains prove that a race of tall …

Newgrange: The Mᴀssive Irish Tomb That’s Older Than The Pyramids
Newgrange: The Mᴀssive Irish Tomb That’s Older Than The Pyramids Yep, 5,000 years. That’s older than Stonehenge. It’s older than the great Egyptian pyramids, too. And five millennia later, it hasn’t lost any of its wonders. Newgrange was built around 3200 B.C. — hundreds of years before the Great Pyramid of Giza (2500 B.C.) and …

Petrified Opal Tree Trunk Situated In Arizona Its About 225 Million Years Old
Petrified Opal Tree Trunk Situated In Arizona Its About 225 Million Years Old What happened to the wood that made it that way in the beautiful petrified trees in the forests of Arizona? They believe that petrified wood is so old that in the prehistoric period it has emerged. But do you know how petrified …

Excavation of Elite’s Tomb in China Reveals Sport of Donkey Polo
Excavation of Elite’s Tomb in China Reveals Sport of Donkey Polo Legend tells the story of loyal horses, whereas it relegates their equine cousins, the donkeys, to the role of mere pack animals. But a new analysis of bones buried with a ninth-century Chinese noblewoman may help raise the status of the lowly ᴀss: It may …

Scottish storms unearth 1,500-year-old Viking-era cemetery
Scottish storms unearth 1,500-year-old Viking-era cemetery The native Picts, a Celtic-language speaking tribe, once populated the Scottish Islands, similar to the natives that live on what is now Scotland. Several powerful storms on Scotland’s Orkney Islands have now revealed ancient human remains in a Pictish and Viking cemetery dated back to about 1,500 years ago. To order to protect the damage …

Neolithic Artifacts Unearthed in Slovakia
Trnava archaeologists made a 6,000-year-old discovery Ceramic fragments found under the fortification wall prove the skilfulness of the Lengyel culture. In Trnava’s Zelený Kríček settlement pit, archeologists found several decorated ceramics fragments, antler tools and fragments of stone tools older than 6,000 years. The investor is building a polyfunctional object near the gallery and the …

‘Little Foot’ skull reveals how this more than 3 million-year-old human ancestor lived
‘Little Foot’ skull reveals how this more than 3 million-year-old human ancestor lived High-resolution micro-CT scanning of the skull of the fossil specimen known as “Little Foot” has revealed some aspects of how this Australopithecus species used to live more than 3 million years ago. The ~3.67 million-year-old fossil specimen’s meticulous excavation cleaning and testing of the …

The Lost City Of Heracleion Discovered Deep Underwater After 1,200 Years
The Lost City Of Heracleion Discovered Deep Underwater After 1,200 Years For centuries, the ‘ lost city of Atlantis has eluded explorers and is almost certainly the stuff of myth. Staggeringly, though, an ancient city that is Atlantis in all but name has emerged from under the sea near Alexandria — and now the lost world …

Ancient rock carvings that escaped the wrath of ISIS discovered in Iraq
Ancient rock carvings that escaped the wrath of ISIS discovered in Iraq After being attacked by ISIS, ancient carvings of an ᴀssyrian king honoring the gods and surrounded by mythical beasts were safely uncovered in Iraq. In 2014, ISIS captured Mosul city and archaeologists were forced to leave Faida’s archeological site, as the militant group …