Cave Full of Untouched Maya Artifacts Found at Chichén Itzá

Cave Full of Untouched Maya Artifacts Found at Chichén Itzá

Cave Full of Untouched Maya Artifacts Found at Chichén Itzá In Mexico, archeologists found some 200 Mayan artifacts that seem to have been untouched for 1,000 years. In a cave of ruins in the ancient Mayan City of Chichen Itza on the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico, objects were discovered. The discovery has been revealed at a …

Neandertals had older mothers and younger fathers

Neandertals had older mothers and younger fathers

Neandertals had older mothers and younger fathers Work in three different countries reveals that neanderthals in Iceland are more like neanderthals in Croatia than neanderthals in Russia, according to research conducted in cooperation with three insтιтutions. In comparison, mothers with children were older and fathers were younger in neanderthal communities. When Africa’s ancestors left 50,000 years …

Buried in the sand for a millennium: Africas roman ghost city

Buried in the sand for a millennium: Africas roman ghost city

Buried in the sand for a millennium: Africas roman ghost city While the whole city often does not vanish, the Roman colony of Thamugadi was established in the North African province of Mumidia by Emperor Traian about 100 A.D., the city, also known as Timgad or Tamugas. Home to Veterans of the Third Augustan Legion, …

First Greek Helmet Discovered North of the Black Sea in Russia

First Greek Helmet Discovered North of the Black Sea in Russia

First Greek Helmet Discovered North of the Black Sea in Russia The agency RIA Novosti reported that a Corinthian helmet was found in a grave dated from the 5th century BC in the Taman Peninsula, south-west of Russia. It is the only such helmet found from the north of the Black Sea. Corroded after 2500 …

Archaeologist Shows How The People Who Lived Thousands Of Years Before Us Really Looked And The Result Is Amazing

Archaeologist Shows How The People Who Lived Thousands Of Years Before Us Really Looked And The Result Is Amazing

Archaeologist Shows How The People Who Lived Thousands Of Years Before Us Really Looked And The Result Is Amazing Such works by Oscar Nilsson represent the faces of people who died in the past. The Swedish archeologist is also a sculptor who focuses on reconstructing the faces of those whose graves were found during excavation. In …

Earliest Mosaic in the World Found in Turkey

Earliest Mosaic in the World Found in Turkey

The oldest known polychrome mosaic floor dating to the second-millennium bc has been discovered at the Hitтιтe settlement of usakli hoyuk Turkey. An Italian-Turkish team has unearthed the world’s oldest-known polychrome mosaic floor at Usakli Hoyuk, a Hitтιтe settlement in central Turkey. The partially preserved mosaic measures 23 feet by 10 feet and once adorned an …

Fingerprints on Early Bronze Age Pottery Studied in Israel

Fingerprints on Early Bronze Age Pottery Studied in Israel

Fingerprints on Early Bronze Age Pottery Studied in Israel According to the text, some 4700 years ago, people were responsible in great part for pottery making in Tell es-Safi in central Israel, which was known as the biblical town of Gath, Ramat Gan, ISRAEL — Kent D. Fowler and the colleague from Bar-Ilan University and …

Metal detectorist finds £100,000 gold haul while looking for his mate’s wedding ring

Metal detectorist finds £100,000 gold haul while looking for his mate’s wedding ring

Metal detectorist finds £100,000 gold haul while looking for his mate’s wedding ring Now a metal detector who was looking for a mate’s missing wedding ring has discovered a haul of gold coins worth an estimated £100,000 – and shouted: ”yee-ha – there’s a f*cking fortune here!’. Paul Raynard, 44, screamed “’there are millions – …

Gold Mine of Discoveries Unearthed in Egypt’s Saqqara Necropolis

Gold Mine of Discoveries Unearthed in Egypt’s Saqqara Necropolis

Treasure Trove of Discoveries Unearthed in Egypt’s Saqqara Necropolis Situated some 30 km (19 miles) south of modern Cairo and the house of the older and the most early documented pyramid is Saqqara’s enormous historic site, the Unas, the well-known Step Pyramid of Djoser, the Serapeum, and the tomb of the spiritual Apis bulls, varying …

Suspected Human Sacrifices Unearthed Beneath Medieval Castle

Suspected Human Sacrifices Unearthed Beneath Medieval Castle

Suspected Human Sacrifices Unearthed Beneath Medieval Castle In the 1,000-year-old ruins of Breslov Castle in Southern Moravia, archeologists have confirmed that three skeletons have been identified as victims of ritual killings. The archaeologist Miroslav Dejmal said: “The individuals had been buried in the foundations of the older phase of the rampart right at the time of …