This is one of the Cracked Eggs you may encounter in the Bisti De Na Zin Wilderness Area
This is one of the “Cracked Eggs” you may encounter in the Bisti De Na Zin Wilderness Area. In northern New Mexico, the Bisti Badlands are more like a dreamscape than a scenery. Totem poles of sandstone rocks, or hoodoos, reach haphazardly into the brilliant blue sky, some so crooked that it’s amazing that even …

Archaeologists Find 13,500-Year-Old Bird Figurine in China
Archaeologists Find 13,500-Year-Old Bird Figurine in China The oldest known statuette found in China is an ancient bird recovered from a refuse heap that sheds new light on how our ancestors created 3D art and a new study finds. Researchers uncovered the miniature carving at the Lingjing site in china, where previous excavations revealed 11 …

500-year-old temple submerged in the Indian state of Odisha’s Mahanadi river resurfaces
A 500-year-old temple submerged in the Indian state of Odisha’s Mahanadi river resurfaces. An old temple was found in Mahanadi in Odisha, experts who lead a documentation project for heritage sites throughout the river valley. Approximately 500 years old, the 60-foot temple was recently held during a workout in the framework of the project, according …

The world’s most Amazing Meteorite found
The world’s most Amazing Meteorite found When the Fukang meteorite came soaring through the Earth’s atmosphere and crashed on the ground, it showed little sign of beauty. Then they opened it. Undoubtedly the world’s most amazing meteorite landed was found in China in 2000. It crashed into a mountain range near Fukang, China, which is …

Remains of the inhabitants of Herculaneum who took shelter in the coast buildings during Vesuvius eruption
Remains of the Inhabitants of Herculaneum who took shelter in the coast buildings during Vesuvius eruption. A study found that the residents of the Roman town of Herculaneum weren’t instantly vaporized by the Vesuvius, but were instead baked and put to death. Like neighboring Pompeii, during the volcanic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year …

UK Dig Discovers 9,000-Year-Old Remains
UK Dig Discovers 9,000-Year-Old Remains A collection of 400 Roman coins in 1995 was found in Oxfordshire west of Didcot, indicating the land had been lived on for centuries. As plans progressed for 3,300 new homes, schools, and shops on the 180-hectare site, archaeologists were called in to investigate. It has taken them nearly three years …

Possible Elizabethan Playhouse Unearthed in London
Possible Elizabethan Playhouse Unearthed in London Experts believe the Red Lion outdoor theatre in London was built around 1567. Archaeologists believe they have discovered the remains of London’s oldest playhouse that was built only three years after the birth of William Shakespeare. Dozens of timbers were found at the site in east London that experts …

Researchers Map Great Wall of China’s Northern Line
Researchers Map Great Wall of China’s Northern Line Tuesday, an Israeli archeology specialist said that the northern line of China’s Great Wall was not designed to stop invading armies but rather to track civilian movements. The observations of scientists who first traced the 740 kilometers (460-mile), Northern Line, for the first time, their findings challenged previous ᴀssumptions. Gideon Shelach-Lavi, …

Irish schoolboy discovers 4,000-year-old boat in Roscommon
Irish schoolboy discovers 4,000-year-old boat in Roscommon LISACUL, IRELAND — A 12-year – old boy has found out the ruins of a wooden long-boat while wading in a lake in the Roscommon County of North Central Ireland reported by Irish Independent. The boat may have been built early in the Neolithic period or as late …

Archaeologists Map Ancient Roman City Without Digging it Up
Roman city revealed without any digging The Cambridge University and Gent University team discovered a bath complex, market, temple, a public monument unlike anything seen before, and even the city’s sprawling network of water pipes. By looking at different depths, the archaeologists can now study how the town evolved over hundreds of years. Today, the research …