Ancient Aztec palace unearthed in Mexico City
Ancient Aztec palace unearthed in Mexico City The historic Nacional Monte de Piedad building in Mexico City appears to cover much more than low-interest pawn loans to those in need. As it turns out, the building actually stands on the remains of an Aztec palace. According to USA Today, the discovery occurred during an inspection …

CT Scan of Siberian Mummy Reveals Wounds and Tattoos
CT Scan of Siberian Mummy Reveals Wounds and Tattoos He was from the mountainous region of modern-day Khakasia, aged 25 to 30 when he died 1,700 years ago. Another CT scan showed the face of his gypsum death mask that was all the rage with the ancient Tashtyk people, who were settled cattle-breeders and farmers known …

1.4-Million-Year-Old Bone Hand Ax Identified
1.4-Million-Year-Old Bone Hand Ax Identified According to a BBC report, paleoanthropologists Katsuhiro Sano of Tohoku University and Gen Suwa of the University of Tokyo have identified a 1.4-million-year-old hand ax made from a hippo’s leg bone at Ethiopia’s Konso-Gardula site. Tools at the site are thought to have been crafted by the human ancestor Homo erectus. Approximately 1.4 …

10,000 Roman coins unearthed by amateur metal detector enthusiast
10,000 Roman coins unearthed by amateur metal detector enthusiast An amateur metal detector enthusiast discovered a mᴀssive train with more than 10.000 Roman coins on his first ever treasure hunt. The silver and bronze ‘nummi’ coins, dating from between 240AD and 320AD, were discovered in a farmer’s field near Shrewsbury, in Shropshire. Finder Nick Davies, …

Russian Scientists Revive 32,000-Year-Old Flower
Russian Scientists Revive 32,000-Year-Old Flower From 32,000-year-old seeds, the oldest plant ever to be “resurrected” has been grown, beating the previous record-holder by some 30,000 years. In the course of the study, a team of scientists from Russia, Hungary and the USA collected frozen Silene stenophyll seed back in 2007, while investigating about 70 ancient ground squirrel hibernation …

Archaeology breakthrough: Astounding discovery of Arctic shipwreck ‘frozen in time’
Archaeology breakthrough: Astounding discovery of Arctic shipwreck ‘frozen in time’ Although found in the far north of Canada in 2016 off King William Island, the wreck was not thoroughly studied until 2019. Experts said that the vessel one of Sir John Franklin’s long lost 1845 expeditions to the Northwest Pᴀssage, was remarkably well preserved. The …

Traces of 5th-century Byzantine basilica were spotted under the water of turkey lake
Traces of 5th-century Byzantine basilica were spotted under the water of turkey lake Researchers first dive themselves in the ruins of an almost 1600-year old basilica that was recently discovered under Lake Tusnik during a video shooting from the air About 20 meters from the coast was discovered in the early Byzantine basilica, which has the …

1,000-Year-Old Buffalo Jump Discovered in Wyoming
1,000-Year-Old Buffalo Jump Discovered in Wyoming For Curt Ogburn and Wade Golden, the journey to the excavation of the Ogburn-Golden Bison Jump near Baggs began almost 30 years ago, when the two high school students first found an old bison skull on state land. Wade and I were like brothers,” Ogburn said. We found all …

Mᴀss Child Sacrifice Discovered in Peru May Be World’s Largest
Mᴀss Child Sacrifice Discovered in Peru May Be World’s Largest In Peru ‘s coastal plain, archeologists who excavated what is believed to be the world’s largest children’s sacrifice site have extracted the skeletons of 227 young victims. Ever since last year teams have been digging at the sacrificial site of Huanchaco, a tourist town on the …

Ancient 3,000-Year-Old Underground Irrigation Canals Invented By People Of Persia
Ancient 3,000-Year-Old Underground Irrigation Canals Invented By People Of Persia The well-known Persian irrigation tunnels are considered one of the oldest technological wonders in the world and are part of the Unesco World Heritage List. The Persian Qanats named two years ago to Unesco’s World Heritage List, are one of the oldest engineering wonders worldwide. …