Investigation in Israel Reveals Wide Range of Artifacts
3,800-year-old baby in a jar unearthed in Israel Live Science reports that recent archaeological investigations conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority in the ancient port city of Jaffa, which is located on Israel’s Mediterranean coast, have uncovered a middle Bronze Age burial, a pit filled with Hellenistic pottery dated from the fourth to first centuries …

Man who died of constipation 1,000 years ago ate grᴀsshoppers for months
Man who died of constipation 1,000 years ago ate grᴀsshoppers for months One of the worst instances of constipation in the annals of medicine was a native American living in the Lower Pecos Canyonlands of Texas between 1,000 and 1,400 years ago. The man’s intestine swelled to six times its usual size due to an …

16th-Century Shipwreck’s Cargo of Elephant Ivory Analyzed
16th-Century Shipwreck’s Cargo of Elephant Ivory Analyzed BBC News reports that an international team of researchers led by Alida de Flamingh of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign was able to reconstruct complete mitochondrial genomes for 17 distinct elephant herds with samples taken from 100 tusks recovered from the Bom Jesus, a Portuguese trading vessel …

1,000-year-old cross buried in Scottish field thought to have belonged to the king
1,000-year-old cross buried in Scottish field thought to have belonged to the king Since painstaking restoration, a stunning Anglo-Saxon silver cross has arisen from under 1,000 years of encrusted dirt. Such is its quality that whoever commissioned this treasure may have been a high-standing cleric or even a king. It was a sorry-looking object when …

Mᴀssive Underground City Guides Us Deep Down to Ancient Times
Mᴀssive Underground City Guides Us Deep Down to Ancient Times Chicago, like a lot of other modern cities, has a hidden secret: It’s home to miles of pᴀssageways deep underground that allow commuters to get from one place to another without risking nasty weather. Los Angeles, Boston, New York, and Dallas all have their own networks …

An Astonishingly Small Stone Carving That Has the Power to Change Art History
An Astonishingly Small Stone Carving That Has the Power to Change Art History A new discovery by researchers at the University of Cincinnati is upending the way we think about the development of Western Civilization. More than one year after discovering the 3,500-year-old tomb of a Bronze age warrior in Greece, an incredible piece of …

A 46,000-Year-Old Aboriginal Site Was Just Deliberately Destroyed in Australia
A 46,000-Year-Old Aboriginal Site Was Just Deliberately Destroyed in Australia The mining company was permitted to blow Juukan Gorge Cave, which provided traditional owners with a 4000-year old genetic link. An extension of an iron ore mine destroyed a sacred site in Western Australia which has been continuously inhabited for 46,000 years and provides a …

Archaeologists believe they have found Cleopatra’s tomb
Archaeologists believe they have found Cleopatra’s tomb One of history’s most famous love stories may finally be getting its ending — after more than 2,000 years. Archaeologists have teased a key breakthrough in finding Egyptian Queen Cleopatra’s final resting place — a hidden tomb where she is ᴀssumed to have been buried with ill-fated lover …

Sunken Medieval Village is Eerily Emerging from an Italian Lake
Sunken Medieval Village is Eerily Emerging from an Italian Lake At the bottom of a lake, a forgotten medieval town that has been ‘frozen in time’ looks ready to resurface, probably giving tourists a direct glimpse back into the past. Since 1947, the Italian village of Fabbriche di Careggine has been submerged under the waters …

9,500-year-old Syrian decorated skulls
9,500-year-old Syrian decorated skulls The human skulls date back between 9,500 and 9,000 years ago, (on which) lifelike faces were modeled with clay earth. DAMASCUS: Archaeologists said on Sunday they had uncovered decorated human skulls dating back as long as 9,500 years ago from a burial site near the Syrian capital Damascus. “The human skulls …