Humans Have Been Taking Out Insurance Policies for at Least 30,000 Years

Humans Have Been Taking Out Insurance Policies for at Least 30,000 Years

Humans Have Been Taking Out Insurance Policies for at Least 30,000 Years Archaeologists say—The same way we trade social media likes or friendship bracelets,  our ancestors swapped bits of ostrich eggshell jewellery 30,000 years ago. Items—shell fragments with holes bored in—would have served as a symbol of the interpersonal links made up of ancient social …

A 2,400-year-old: World’s Oldest Intact Shipwreck Found at the Bottom of the Black Sea

A 2,400-year-old: World’s Oldest Intact Shipwreck Found at the Bottom of the Black Sea

A 2,400-year-old: World’s Oldest Intact Shipwreck Found at the Bottom of the Black Sea At the bottom of the Black Sea, the oldest preserved shipwreck ever found has been discovered. After more than 2,400 years, the 75ft Greek trade vessel was discovered lying whole with its anchor, rudders and rowing benches. It was discovered in …

Repurposed Shipwreck Unearthed in Estonia

Repurposed Shipwreck Unearthed in Estonia

Repurposed Shipwreck Unearthed in Estonia Wrecks of ships found near the shoreline in Tallinn are keeping archaeologists busy and show that ship materials have been reused for centuries. ERR News reports that part of a ship’s hull has been unearthed in Tallinn, Estonia, which is located on the coast of the Baltic Sea. Priit Lätti of …

Traces of Tenth-Century Temple Unearthed in Eastern India

Traces of Tenth-Century Temple Unearthed in Eastern India

Traces of Tenth-Century Temple Unearthed in Eastern India The Hindustan Times reports that researchers led by Arun Malik of the Archaeological Survey of India uncovered traces of a building thought to be a tenth-century temple while excavating an area next to the eleventh-century Suka-Sari temple complex, which is located near eastern India’s city of Bhubaneswar. ASI …

A trove of ‘Ancient Treasures’ Found in Shipwreck Off the Coast of Greece

A trove of ‘Ancient Treasures’ Found in Shipwreck Off the Coast of Greece

A trove of ‘Ancient Treasures’ Found in Shipwreck Off the Coast of Greece That was when researchers in Greece made the breakthrough of a lifetime in the fall of 2020. There were four shipwrecks just off the beaches of the island of Kasos. These shipwrecks span millennia, but they also contained ancient artefacts that now …

There is a ‘Hidden World’ Beneath The Pyramids of Giza, Experts Claim

There is a ‘Hidden World’ Beneath The Pyramids of Giza, Experts Claim

There is a ‘Hidden World’ Beneath The Pyramids of Giza, Experts Claim If you’ve ever seen the pyramids at Giza, you know how beautiful they are. The three monumental pyramids emerge like towering monoliths from a long-forgotten age. The beauty of the pyramids certainly catches the imagination of those who gaze upon them. In order …

The secret cave lies hidden below the enormous ‘Moon Pyramid’

The secret cave lies hidden below the enormous ‘Moon Pyramid’

The secret cave lies hidden below the enormous ‘Moon Pyramid’ An underground cave hidden under a Mexican pyramid provides clues about Teotihuacan’s urban architecture, one of the oldest and most vibrant cities of ancient times. Located about 80 kilometres outside present-day Mexico City, Teotihuacan peaked long before the Aztecs in AD 300-650. Three monumental pyramids …

10,000 Year Old Rock Paintings Depicting Aliens And UFOs Found in India

10,000 Year Old Rock Paintings Depicting Aliens And UFOs Found in India

10,000 Year Old Rock Paintings Depicting Aliens And UFOs Found in India Even before the great tectonic plate shift, the former central province of India, now Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, was the site of pre-agrarian human settlement. That is why a number of prehistoric cave paintings have been discovered in the region. Some of them …

Discovered by chance 94 years on Bodies of 21 German soldiers in perfectly-preserved First World War trenches

Discovered by chance 94 years on Bodies of 21 German soldiers in perfectly-preserved First World War trenches

Discovered by chance 94 years on Bodies of 21 German soldiers in perfectly-preserved First World War trenches The bodies of 21 German soldiers entombed in a perfectly preserved World War One shelter have been discovered 94 years after they were killed. The men were part of a larger group of 34 who were buried alive …

4-Year-Old Girl Finds Dinosaur Footprint On Beach In Wales

4-Year-Old Girl Finds Dinosaur Footprint On Beach In Wales

4-Year-Old Girl Finds Dinosaur Footprint On Beach In Wales A four-year-old girl, walking while vacationing with her family in Wales, found a very well preserved, and probably a new trace of dinosaur tracks. The footprints found are from an extinct species of crocodilians, extinct ancestors of modern crocodiles. The dinosaur that made the print probably …