World Oldest DNA Discovered in 1.2 Million Year Old Mammoth Teeth
World Oldest DNA Discovered in 1.2 Million Year Old Mammoth Teeth As part of a study that uncovers new information about extinct animals, scientists have discovered the oldest DNA on record, extracting it from the molars of mammoths that roamed northeastern Siberia up to 1.2 million years ago Scientists announced on Wednesday that they have …

Scientists may have found one of the oldest Christian churches in the world
Scientists may have found one of the oldest Christian churches in the world Using a celestial phenomenon, archaeologists are probing a mysterious structure buried deep underground in Russia. The structure could be one of the world’s oldest Christian churches, according to a new study. The unknown structure sits in the northwestern part of the fortress …

Well-Preserved Burial Cist Discovered on Scottish Island
Well-Preserved Burial Cist Discovered on Scottish Island The Scotsman reports that a well-preserved skeleton has been discovered in a тιԍнтly constructed stone burial cist about a half-mile from the Neolithic site of Skara Brae on the island of Orkney. This researcher, a member of the archaeological team, is digging here in an effort to discover …

2,000-Year-Old Rock Carvings of Camels Discovered in Saudi Arabia
2,000-Year-Old Rock Carvings of Camels Discovered in Saudi Arabia Researchers working in a remote spot in northern Saudi Arabia have found around a dozen reliefs and sculptures of camels and donkeys carved into a rock formation. As Ruth Schuster at Haaretz reports, the works in the “Camel Site” as it’s become known as, have been …

Archaeologists unearth 4,000-year-old chariots in India
Archaeologists unearth 4,000-year-old chariots in India According to Indian archaeologists, they have discovered the remains of 4,000-year-old horse-drawn chariots, which they say provides the first evidence of a “warrior class” on par with other ancient civilisations. Although eight burial sites and artefacts, including swords and daggers, were found, the remains were discovered during an excavation …

Atlit Yam’s: A 9,000-Year-Old Underground Megalithic Settlement
Atlit Yam’s: A 9,000-Year-Old Underground Megalithic Settlement There really is no limit to the number of archaeological wonders in Israel, virtually anywhere you look there is something wonderful to discover. But, hidden beneath the water, there is also an entire world, which has been overtaken by nature, silently existing next to the observable land sites, that …

Archaeologists find unexpected iron age settlement in Oxfordshire
Archaeologists find unexpected iron age settlement in Oxfordshire The findings of a team of archaeologists from DigVentures revealed the ruins of at least 15 roundhouses from the 4th-century B.c. to the early first century CE, along with the remains of a mᴀssive Roman villa built over the abandoned homes in the late 3rd to early …

Viking treasure including gold bangle buried over 1,000 years ago is found on the Isle of Man
Viking treasure including gold bangle buried over 1,000 years ago is found on the Isle of Man An exceptionally rare Viking artefact is presently being examined on the Isle of Man by Manx Museum authorities and has been declared treasure by the island’s coroner of inquests. The find, which is considered to be internationally significant …

2,000-year-old Roman millstone found with mᴀssive penis engraved on it
2,000-year-old Roman millstone found with mᴀssive penis engraved on it Archaeologists found a Roman millstone unearthed in Cambridgeshire with an engraving of a penis. The inscription, which was a symbol for strength and virility, was thus deciphered. Over the course of several months, as part of roadwork for an extensive 21-mile section of the A14 between Cambridge …

Two Roman-era Sarcophagi Unearthed in Central Israel
Two Roman-era Sarcophagi Unearthed in Central Israel According to a statement released by The Friends of the Israel Antiquities Authority, two 1,800-year-old sarcophagi were unearthed at Ramat Gan Safari Park during construction work at its wildlife hospital. The new building, designed to offer sophisticated veterinarian facilities for birds and mammals, houses a specialist operation theatre …