Genetic Link Between Australasians and South Americans Studied
Genetic Link Between Australasians and South Americans Studied Science Magazine reports that researchers led by Tábita Hünemeier of the University of São Paulo have detected a genetic signal ᴀssociated with early people living in South Asia, Australia, and Melanesia in additional populations in South America. The genetic signal of Australasian ancestry in so far-flung a …

The Hasanlu Lovers and their 2800 years-old kiss
The Hasanlu Lovers and their 2800 years-old kiss Archaeologists were shocked to discover the remains of two bodies, apparently sharing a romantic embrace before their deaths, in the ruins of an ancient, burned-out village. The University of Pennsylvania first discovered this skeletal couple during an archaeological excavation of an ancient city in northwest Iran in …

Fossil Found of Ancient Four-Legged Whale that Could Walk on Land
Fossil Found of Ancient Four-Legged Whale that Could Walk on Land The four-legged creature above resembles an otter or a platypus at first glance. In fact, it’s a 42.6 million-year-old whale with a length of 13 feet. In a new study published in the journal Current Biology, palaeontologists have documented their discovery of this whale …

Earth has Another Continent Called Zealandia – Only 6% of it is Above Water
Earth has Another Continent Called Zealandia – Only 6% of it is Above Water About 3,500 feet under the south Pacific waves sits a lost eighth continent. In 2017, scientists reported that the underwater landmᴀss known as Zealandia was a different continent. However, they hadn’t been able to trace it in its entirety before now. …

14,000-year-old ice age village discovered is 10,000 years older than the pyramids
14,000-year-old ice age village discovered is 10,000 years older than the pyramids In their oral history, the Heiltsuk people describe how the area around Triquet Island, on the western coast of their territory in British Columbia, remained open land during the ice age. “People flocked there for survival because everywhere else was being covered by …

Rabbits Uncover 9,000-Year-old Artifacts on a Welsh island
Rabbits Uncover 9,000-Year-old Artifacts on a Welsh island A group of rabbits inadvertently uncovered a hoard of 9,000-year-old Stone and Bronze Age artefacts hidden on the small Welsh island of Skokholm this month, in a first-of-its-kind discovery. Skokholm Island sits in the Celtic Sea to the west of mainland Wales and is two miles off …

A farmer discovers an Ice Age cave hidden under his field that is over 11,000 years old
A farmer discovers an Ice Age cave hidden under his field that is over 11,000 years old A farmer discovered an Ice Age cave that was naturally formed and used by humans. Adam Bryczek had been roaming his land near the town of Kraśnik in south-eastern Poland when he came across what appeared to be …

Amazing Heart-Shaped Amethyst Geode Discovered by Miners in Uruguay
Amazing Heart-Shaped Amethyst Geode Discovered by Miners in Uruguay Beautiful gemstones that have been transformed to take on different shapes adorn several items of jewelry. However, the natural amethyst geode discovered by these miners did not need any processing. That’s because it already seems to be fine! In its latest Santa Rosa mine near the …

Archaeology breakthrough: Second ‘hidden pyramid’ discovered inside iconic Mayan structure
Archaeology breakthrough: Second ‘hidden pyramid’ discovered inside iconic Mayan structure Archaeologists have confirmed that the mᴀssive Kukulkan pyramid in eastern Mexico – one of the most iconic pyramids in the world – was built like a Russian nesting doll, with the discovery of two smaller pyramids hidden within its walls. The first of the hidden …

6-yr old Indian-origin boy finds millions of years old fossil in UK garden
6-yr old Indian-origin boy finds millions of years old fossil in UK garden A six-year-old boy has found a fossil up to 488 million years old while digging in his garden with a fossil-hunting set he received for Christmas. Siddak Singh Jhamat, known as Sid, had been digging in his garden in Walsall, in the …