World War I Soldiers’ Artifacts Found in Alpine Cave
World War I Soldiers’ Artifacts Found in Alpine Cave According to a CNN report, continuing glacier melt has revealed additional World War I artefacts in a cave near the peak of Mount Scorluzzo in northern Italy. Twenty Austrian soldiers took shelter in the cave, which is located near the strategic Stelvio Pᴀss, and camouflaged it …

A cache of 1,500-Year-Old Gold Pendants Found in Norway
A Cache of 1,500-Year-Old Gold Pendants Found in Norway Science Norway reports that seven gold pendants, or bracteates, estimated to be 1,500 years old have been unearthed in southeastern Norway by archaeologists Jessica Leigh McGraw, Margrete Figenschou Simonsen found in a field and near a small hill at the edge of the field. If this …

Child’s Coffin Discovered at the Real Alcázar of Seville
Child’s Coffin Discovered at the Real Alcázar of Seville El País reports that the remains of a child were discovered under the floor near the main altar in the chapel at the Real Alcázar of Seville, a royal palace in southern Spain. The burial was found during work to restore the palace’s sixteenth-century ceramic tiles, …

Marble Head of Augustus Unearthed in Southern Italy
Marble Head of Augustus Unearthed in Southern Italy Artnews reports that a marble head of the Roman emperor Augustus (r. 27 B.C.–A.D. 14) was unearthed in southern Italy’s region of Molise by a team of researchers led by archaeologist Francesca Giancola. The sculpture, which has lost its body and nose was discovered while renovating Isernia’s …

The neanderthal family found cannibalised in a cave in Spain
The neanderthal family found cannibalised in a cave in Spain Researchers uncovered the bones of a possible family group of Neanderthals, including an infant, in a cave in Spain. The bones of the 12 people display evidence of cannibalism, suggesting another Neanderthal group came along and chowed down on the meat. According to the study, …

Mystery of the Copper Scroll: How biblical relic could lead to secret $3TRILLION treasure
Mystery of the Copper Scroll: How biblical relic could lead to secret $3TRILLION treasure When an archaeologist named Henri de Contenson was leading a team of ten Bedouin in a hillside cave a few kilometres from Qumran in 1952, he uncovered two enigmatic scrolls known as the Copper Scroll in a highly oxidized state. It …

Mᴀssive Stone Jars in the Highlands of Laos Are Shrouded in Mystery
Mᴀssive Stone Jars in the Highlands of Laos Are Shrouded in Mystery The eerie ‘Plain of Jars’ in Laos maybe thousands of years older than previously thought, and have been in use for even longer. Limestone vessels dotting the landscape of northern Laos were placed there up to 3,300 years ago, according to an analysis …

Africa’s Oldest Human Grave Found, Toddler Buried With Pillow 78,000 Years Ago
Africa’s Oldest Human Grave Found, Toddler Buried With Pillow 78,000 Years Ago A village in East Africa buried a boy aged around 3 years old 78,000 years ago. Its caretakers dug a shallow pit, curled its small body, and may have rested its head on a pillow before committing the body to the earth. According to …

What is this bizarre structure found in the Egyptian desert?
What is this Bizarre structure found in the Egyptian desert? To some viewers, it looks like a landing strip for extraterrestrial spacecraft — or perhaps the portal to a parallel universe, if not an ancient monument to a benevolent deity who had a keen eye for design and symmetry. But what people are actually seeing …

Truly Unique Giant Sequoia Petrified Wood Round
Truly Unique Giant Sequoia Petrified Wood Round Majestic Giant Sequoia Petrified Wood Round A one-of-a-kind petrified wood specimen. This mᴀssive sequoia, discovered in 2018 on Priday Ranch in Central Oregon, is worthy of being displayed in a museum for all to see. This fossilized slice is from a ‘Giant Sequoia,’ one of the largest individual …