Earliest Known Mayan Calendar Found in Guatemalan Pyramid

Earliest Known Mayan Calendar Found in Guatemalan Pyramid

Earliest Known Mayan Calendar Found in Guatemalan Pyramid Researchers David Stuart from the University of Texas at Austin, Heather Hurst, Boris Beltrán from Skidmore College, and independent scholar William Saturno report the earliest evidence of a Maya sacred calendar in Guatemala. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group describes their work, …

Ancient Campfires Reveal A 50,000-Year-Old Grocer And Pharmacy In Australia

Ancient Campfires Reveal A 50,000-Year-Old Grocer And Pharmacy In Australia

Ancient Campfires Reveal A 50,000-Year-Old Grocer And Pharmacy In Australia For the first time in Australia, archaeobotany has been used by researchers from The University of Western Australia to examine charcoal from ancient campfires in the Western Desert. Led by UWA Ph.D. candidate Chae Byrne, the research was the first of its kind in the …

A Mᴀssive, Black Sarcophagus Has Been Unearthed in Egypt, And Nobody Knows Who’s Inside

A Mᴀssive, Black Sarcophagus Has Been Unearthed in Egypt, And Nobody Knows Who’s Inside

A Mᴀssive, Black Sarcophagus Has Been Unearthed in Egypt, And Nobody Knows Who’s Inside Archaeological digs around ancient Egyptian sites still have plenty of secrets to give up yet – like the huge, black granite sarcophagus just discovered at an excavation in the city of Alexandria, on the northern coast of Egypt. What really stands …

Archaeology breakthrough as Christopher Columbus’ first tomb found: ‘We got it!’

Archaeology breakthrough as Christopher Columbus’ first tomb found: ‘We got it!’

Archaeology breakthrough as Christopher Columbus’ first tomb found: ‘We got it!’ The burial site of Columbus has been a mystery for some time. He was initially left to rest in Valladolid, a city in northwest Spain, three years after his death in 1506. However, the exact location of this first tomb has never been confirmed, …

A Surprise Cave Finding Has Once Again Upended Our Story of Humans Leaving Africa

A Surprise Cave Finding Has Once Again Upended Our Story of Humans Leaving Africa

A Surprise Cave Finding Has Once Again Upended Our Story of Humans Leaving Africa Last year, a genetic analysis of bone fragments representing our earliest known presence in Europe raised a few questions over the steps modern humans took to conquer every corner of the modern world. Whoever the remains belonged to, their family background …

Ireland’s Peat Bogs Preserve Sacrificial Bodies & Artefacts

Ireland’s Peat Bogs Preserve Sacrificial Bodies & Artefacts

Ireland’s Peat Bogs Preserve Sacrificial Bodies & Artefacts Ireland is famous for its peat bogs – peat is an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation or organic matter. They are the most efficient carbon sink on earth and cover 1.4 million square miles of the earth. They also tend to preserve bodies and artefacts that wind …

Caral: The Oldest Civilization in the Americas

Caral: The Oldest Civilization in the Americas

Caral: The Oldest Civilization in the Americas Caral (also referred to as Caral-Supe) is a stunning ancient city located in the Supe Valley of Peru. Today travellers can visit the Caral Ruins, which are believed to be the remains of one of the oldest cities in the Americas. Rewind time and the city of Caral …

What Ancient DNA Reveals About Life in Africa 20,000 Years Ago

What Ancient DNA Reveals About Life in Africa 20,000 Years Ago

What Ancient DNA Reveals About Life in Africa 20,000 Years Ago Every person alive on the planet today is descended from people who lived as hunter-gatherers in Africa. The continent is the cradle of human origins and ingenuity, and with each new fossil and archaeological discovery, we learn more about our shared African past. Such …

Ancient DNA reveals surprises about how early Africans lived, travelled and interacted

Ancient DNA reveals surprises about how early Africans lived, travelled and interacted

Ancient DNA reveals surprises about how early Africans lived, travelled and interacted A new analysis of human remains that were buried in African archaeological sites has produced the earliest DNA from the continent, telling a fascinating tale of how early humans lived, travelled and even found their significant others. An interdisciplinary team of 44 researchers …

Ancient Bowl From Tibet Shows Alexander the Great – the Jewish Version

Ancient Bowl From Tibet Shows Alexander the Great – the Jewish Version

Ancient Bowl From Tibet Shows Alexander the Great – the Jewish Version An ancient silver bowl with Greek-style reliefs found in Tibet decades ago does not show scenes from Homer’s “Iliad,” as has been postulated. Rather, the bowl shows Alexander the Great and his servants, based on a Jewish version of the “Alexander Romance” dating …