How The Human Face Might Look In 100,000 Years
How The Human Face Might Look In 100,000 Years According to reports, scientists have succeeded in creating the image of the future’s human face, and we now know what our species will probably look like in the near future. But how much has our face changed since humans appeared on Earth? Humankind’s ‘face’ has changed …

The 2,400-Year-Old Giant Clay Vase Discovered in Peru You Probably Never Heard About
The 2,400-Year-Old Giant Clay Vase Discovered in Peru You Probably Never Heard About On October 27, 1966, the Regional Museum of Ica discovered a unique object of unseen proportions; a mᴀssive granary bowl, until then the largest pre-Hispanic pot found in Peru. The fired clay vessel dimensions were 2 meters in diameter, 2.8 meters in …

1,500-Year-Old Silver Site Uncovered in England
1,500-Year-Old Silver Site Uncovered in England An abandoned mausoleum and silver extraction taking place on an industrial scale at a Roman site in rural Kent has left archaeologists with a 1500-year-old mystery. Silver extraction on an industrial scale Archaeologists working on an excavation at Grange Farm, near Gillingham, discovered 15 kilograms of litharge – a …

Medieval Burials Uncovered at the Cathedral of Notre Dame
Medieval Burials Uncovered at the Cathedral of Notre Dame Several tombs and a leaden sarcophagus likely dating from the 14th century has been uncovered by archaeologists at Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris following its devastating 2019 fire. The burial sites “of remarkable scientific quality” were unearthed during preparatory work for rebuilding the ancient church’s spire at …

Ancient Mysteries Of Chicago: Is The Puzzling Waubansee Stone A Neglected Pre-Columbian Artifact?
Ancient Mysteries Of Chicago: Is The Puzzling Waubansee Stone A Neglected Pre-Columbian Artifact? One of the most fascinating and obscure artefacts in North America is tucked away in a Chicago museum. The Waubansee Stone is a huge glacial erratic granite boulder with a larger-than-life head sculpted upon its upper surface. The expertly fashioned relief carving …

Mathematical Discovery Could Shed Light On Secrets Of The Universe
Mathematical Discovery Could Shed Light On Secrets Of The Universe A grand challenge in modern theoretical physics is to find a ‘unified theory’ that can describe all the laws of nature within a single framework — connecting Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which describes the universe on a large scale, and quantum mechanics, which describes …

Mysterious 7,500 years old Vinca Figurines depict Contact with an Ancient Alien Race
Mysterious 7,500 years old Vinca Figurines depict Contact with an Ancient Alien Race There was once a mysterious European culture, which left a legacy in the form of valuable artefacts covered with an unknown, never successfully deciphered script. These artefacts have been excavated from sites in south-east Europe. The culture that flourished from about 6000 …

460-Year-Old Hunting Bow Discovered Underwater in Alaska’s Lake Clark National Park
460-Year-Old Hunting Bow Discovered Underwater in Alaska’s Lake Clark National Park National Park Service employees made an unlikely discovery in the backcountry of Lake Clark National Park and Preserve in Alaska this past September: a 54-inch wooden hunting bow that was found under 2 feet of water, but still intact. Scientists and archaeologists are analyzing …

8,000 years old Stone Tools Found on Iran’s Gav-Bast Mountain
8,000 years old Stone Tools Found on Iran’s Gav-Bast Mountain Archaeologists have found arrays of stone tools and relics on top of Gav-Bast Mountain, which is situated in southern Iran, north of the Persian Gulf. Fereidoun Biglari, an archaeologist and cultural deputy of the National Museum of Iran, briefed attendees on the discovery during the …

How Was Tuberculosis Transmitted in South America?
How Was Tuberculosis Transmitted in South America? Nearly one-quarter of the world’s population is suspected to have been exposed to the bacterium responsible for tuberculosis, a disease that accounts for the highest global mortality from a bacterial infection. TB’s global distribution was once viewed as support for its emergence deep in our past, where it …