Mysterious Alien Sealand skull found in Olstykke: Remains Of An Extraterrestrial
Mysterious Alien Sealand skull found in Olstykke: Remains Of An Extraterrestrial The Mysterious alien Sealand skull is one of the most controversial skulls ever excavated and has generated fascinating results leading to believe that this could be the ultimate evidence of Alien beings inhabiting Earth in the distant past. Numerous strange and unanswered things have …

Archaeologists stunned by ancient ‘death mask’ found in Mexican temple
Archaeologists stunned by ancient ‘death mask’ found in Mexican temple Palenque is set amid lush forest and dense foliage in a slice of southern Mexico. It is not the largest Mayan city by any stretch, but it has been described as one of the most stunning. Its architecture and the accompanying carvings and sculptures are …

Japan’s 1,000-year-old ‘killing stone’ said to contain an ancient demon cracked open
Japan’s 1,000-year-old ‘killing stone’ said to contain an ancient demon cracked open According to the legend, the 1000-year-old killing stone trapped the spirit of a malevolent being. Now, due to rainwater, the rock has split open, sending believers into a state of frenzy. The legend warns anyone who comes in contact with the stone will …

Roman mosaic and villa complex found in Rutland farmer’s field
Roman mosaic and villa complex found in Rutland farmer’s field It was a family ramble through fields during lockdown last year that led to an “oh wow moment”: the discovery of a Roman villa complex containing a rare mosaic depicting Homer’s The Iliad, now thought to be one of the most remarkable and significant finds …

How Old Is the Rock Art at La Lindosa?
How Old Is the Rock Art at La Lindosa? More than 12,000 years ago, South America was teeming with an astonishing array of ice age beasts — giant ground sloths the size of a car, elephantine herbivores and a deerlike animal with an elongated snout. These extinct giants are among many animals immortalized in an 8-mile-long …

7,000-Year-Old Evidence of Geese Domestication Found in China
7,000-Year-Old Evidence of Geese Domestication Found in China A team of researchers affiliated with multiple insтιтutions in Japan and China has found evidence of goose domestication in China approximately 7,000 years ago. In their paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the group describes their study of goose bones found at Tianluoshan—a …

Palaeontologists Unearth Dozens of Giant Dinosaur Eggs in Fossilized Nest in Spain
Paleontologists Unearth Dozens of Giant Dinosaur Eggs in Fossilized Nest in Spain Archaeologists have extracted 30 тιтanosaur dinosaur eggs found in a two-ton rock in northern Spain and believe there could be as many as 70 deeper inside the boulder. The тιтanosaur was a long-necked sauropod that lived until the extinction event at the end …

Egypt breakthrough: How lost Tutankhamun artefact was found after ‘vanishing for decades’
Egypt breakthrough: How lost Tutankhamun artefact was found after ‘vanishing for decades’ Tutankhamun was an ancient Egyptian pharaoh who was the last of his royal family to rule at the end of the 19th Dynasty during the New Kingdom. Known as “the boy king,” he inherited the throne at just nine years old and mysteriously died less than …

Archaeologists stunned as ‘Britain’s most exciting’ mystery solved after 4,000 years
Archaeologists stunned as ‘Britain’s most exciting’ mystery solved after 4,000 years In 2004, WesSєx Archaeologists Ltd were called in by architects to excavate land at Cliffs End Farm prior to building a new housing development. Suspicions were heightened after earlier investigations showed that the site had been occupied during the early and late Bronze Age, …

Ernest Shackleton’s Lost Ship Endurance, Found Off Antarctica Coast After 107 Years
Ernest Shackleton’s Lost Ship Endurance, Found Off Antarctica Coast After 107 Years An expedition that set out in search of the lost ship of polar explorer Ernest Shackleton has found it — 106 years after the vessel sank off Antarctica. The wooden ship Endurance has been located remarkably intact about 10,000 feet underwater in the …