Ancient Mural Paintings Of Nubian Pyramids Depict Giant Carrying Two Elephants And Giant Kings

Ancient Mural Paintings Of Nubian Pyramids Depict Giant Carrying Two Elephants And Giant Kings

Ancient Mural Paintings Of Nubian Pyramids Depict Giant Carrying Two Elephants And Giant Kings Almost every culture that prevails around the world talks consists of ancient accounts that narrate the tales of giants living on the Earth. One more addition to such accounts is the ancient mural painting in the Nubian pyramids that portrays a …

Man finds Nephilim giants in Utah

Man finds Nephilim giants in Utah

Man finds Nephilim giants in Utah If people in the desert are looking into this for the first time then you should really look at and see what they think about some of the pH๏τos that have been posted on the Internet. So if you looked at the above link, who do you believe? …

‘Oh wow’: remarkable Roman mosaic found in Rutland field

‘Oh wow’: remarkable Roman mosaic found in Rutland field

‘Oh wow’: remarkable Roman mosaic found in Rutland field Archaeologists have unearthed the first Roman mosaic of its kind in the UK, a rare Roman mosaic and surrounding villa complex have been protected as a Scheduled Monument by DCMS on the advice of Historic England. The decision follows archaeological work undertaken by a team from …

Ancient Human Relative, Australopithecus sediba, Walked Like a Human, But Climbed Like an Ape

Ancient Human Relative, Australopithecus sediba, Walked Like a Human, But Climbed Like an Ape

Ancient Human Relative, Australopithecus sediba, “Walked Like a Human, But Climbed Like an Ape” An international team of scientists has discovered a two-million-year-old fossil vertebrae from an extinct species of ancient human relative. New lower back fossils are the “missing link” that settles a decades old debate proving early hominins used their upper limbs to …

Children’s Teeth Reveal Breastfeeding Practices in Ancient Peru

Children’s Teeth Reveal Breastfeeding Practices in Ancient Peru

Children’s Teeth Reveal Breastfeeding Practices in Ancient Peru For thousands of years, breastfeeding habits have remained almost unchanged in the Peruvian Andes, according to an unprecedented research project at an archaeological site in Caral, the oldest civilisation in the Americas and the origin of Andean culture. There, in a cemetery filled with the bodies of …

Did Another Advanced Civilization Exist On Earth Before Humans?

Did Another Advanced Civilization Exist On Earth Before Humans?

Did Another Advanced Civilization Exist On Earth Before Humans? Graham Hancock is considered a connoisseur when it comes to “advanced human societies before the one we know,” that is, the “mother culture” that preceded later ancient civilizations. Although the idea of ancient civilizations and their possible technology is considered by some to be “pseudo-scientific”, there …

Skull 5 – A Million Years Old Human Skull Forced Scientists To Rethink Early Human Evolution

Skull 5 – A Million Years Old Human Skull Forced Scientists To Rethink Early Human Evolution

Skull 5 – A Million Years Old Human Skull Forced Scientists To Rethink Early Human Evolution Researchers have traditionally used differences among fossilized remains of ancient humans to define separate species among the earliest members of our Homo genus — Homo erectus, Homo habilis, and Homo rudolfensis, for example. But an amazing new skull found …

While feeding bison, a man discovers a rare 1,000-year-old rock carving by accident

While feeding bison, a man discovers a rare 1,000-year-old rock carving by accident

While feeding bison, a man discovers a rare 1,000-year-old rock carving by accident An archaeologist has discovered rock carvings dating back over 1,000 years at Wanuskewin Heritage Park, Saskatchewan, Canada. What makes the discovery even more remarkable is that it happened completely by accident. Wanuskewin’s chief archaeologist, Ernie Walker, made the discovery in the summer …

Female pharaoh’s temple reveals teamwork of Egypt’s ‘ancient masters’

Female pharaoh’s temple reveals teamwork of Egypt’s ‘ancient masters’

Female pharaoh’s temple reveals teamwork of Egypt’s ‘ancient masters’ The artists and sculptors of ancient Egypt may not be household names like Michelangelo, Raphael, or Caravaggio, but a new study of a female pharaoh’s temple suggests they had a lot in common with their Renaissance brethren. Instead of being solo artisans, sculptors worked in teams, …

Ancient silver plate adorned with winged gods and griffins is found inside the wooden tomb of a warrior

Ancient silver plate adorned with winged gods and griffins is found inside the wooden tomb of a warrior

Ancient silver plate adorned with winged gods and griffins is found inside the wooden tomb of a warrior who died in the 4th century BC in Russia Expedition members of IA RAS have found a unique plate depicting winged Scythian gods surrounded by griffons during their excavations of the burial ground Devitsa V in Ostrogozhsky …