Neanderthal Known as Old Man of La Chapelle Re-Examined

Neanderthal Known as Old Man of La Chapelle Re-Examined

Neanderthal Known as “Old Man of La Chapelle” Re-Examined Scientists studying ancient disease have uncovered one of the earliest examples of spillover — when a disease jumps from an animal to a human — and it happened to a Neanderthal man who likely got sick butchering or cooking raw meat. Researchers were reexamining the fossilized …

3600 Year Old Pits Full Of Giant Hands Discovered In Egypt Archaeologists Discovered

3600 Year Old Pits Full Of Giant Hands Discovered In Egypt Archaeologists Discovered

3600 Year Old Pits Full Of Giant Hands Discovered In Egypt Archaeologists Discovered An astonishing discovery occurred in the fall of 2011 when a team of archaeologists working in the palace of ancient Avaris, Egypt, found the remains of 16 human hands in four graves in the compound. Two of the pits, located in front …

Interesting Claim: Antarctica Is The Place Where Fallen Angels Are Still Alive But Locked In

Interesting Claim: Antarctica Is The Place Where Fallen Angels Are Still Alive But Locked In

Interesting Claim: “Antarctica Is The Place Where Fallen Angels Are Still Alive But Locked In” A recent movie was made and published by an Israeli news reporting channel. The movie is тιтled “Fallen Angels are locked in Antarctica and Are Still Alive” and according to them, it is an unbiased view of the conspiracy theory. …

Fossilized monkey teeth help fill six million year gap in the evolution

Fossilized monkey teeth help fill six million year gap in the evolution

Fossilized monkey teeth help fill six million year gap in evolution Researchers have used fossilized teeth found near Lake Turkana in northwest Kenya to identify a new monkey species — a discovery that helps fill a 6-million-year gap in primate evolution. UNLV geoscientist Terry Spell and former master’s student Dawn Reynoso were part of the …

200,000-Year-Old Bedding Found in South Africa May Be World’s Oldest

200,000-Year-Old Bedding Found in South Africa May Be World’s Oldest

200,000-Year-Old Bedding Found in South Africa May Be World’s Oldest Archaeologists studying the interior of a cliffside cave in South Africa have found what may be the world’s oldest bedding, reports Cathleen O’Grady for Science magazine. Dated to more than 200,000 years ago, the grᴀss bedding—discovered in the Lebombo Mountains’ Border Cave—was placed atop layers …

Pyramids Discovered In Russia Twice As Old As Egyptian Could Rewrite Human History

Pyramids Discovered In Russia Twice As Old As Egyptian Could Rewrite Human History

Pyramids Discovered In Russia Twice As Old As Egyptian Could Rewrite Human History The discovery of the world’s earliest pyramids on the Kola Peninsula may confirm the existence of an ancient civilisation on Russian territory. The civilization likely predates the Egyptian civilization for a long time. Archaeological excavations of the Kola Peninsula’s pyramids, which are …

Ancient Mural Paintings Of Nubian Pyramids Depict Giant Carrying Two Elephants And Giant Kings

Ancient Mural Paintings Of Nubian Pyramids Depict Giant Carrying Two Elephants And Giant Kings

Ancient Mural Paintings Of Nubian Pyramids Depict Giant Carrying Two Elephants And Giant Kings Almost every culture that prevails around the world talks consists of ancient accounts that narrate the tales of giants living on the Earth. One more addition to such accounts is the ancient mural painting in the Nubian pyramids that portrays a …

Man finds Nephilim giants in Utah

Man finds Nephilim giants in Utah

Man finds Nephilim giants in Utah If people in the desert are looking into this for the first time then you should really look at and see what they think about some of the pH๏τos that have been posted on the Internet. So if you looked at the above link, who do you believe? …

‘Oh wow’: remarkable Roman mosaic found in Rutland field

‘Oh wow’: remarkable Roman mosaic found in Rutland field

‘Oh wow’: remarkable Roman mosaic found in Rutland field Archaeologists have unearthed the first Roman mosaic of its kind in the UK, a rare Roman mosaic and surrounding villa complex have been protected as a Scheduled Monument by DCMS on the advice of Historic England. The decision follows archaeological work undertaken by a team from …

Ancient Human Relative, Australopithecus sediba, Walked Like a Human, But Climbed Like an Ape

Ancient Human Relative, Australopithecus sediba, Walked Like a Human, But Climbed Like an Ape

Ancient Human Relative, Australopithecus sediba, “Walked Like a Human, But Climbed Like an Ape” An international team of scientists has discovered a two-million-year-old fossil vertebrae from an extinct species of ancient human relative. New lower back fossils are the “missing link” that settles a decades old debate proving early hominins used their upper limbs to …