Billionaire hands over $70 million of stolen artefacts
Billionaire hands over $70 million of stolen artefacts Michael H. Steinhardt, the billionaire hedge fund pioneer and one of New York’s most prolific antiquities collectors, has surrendered 180 stolen objects valued at $70 million and been barred for life from acquiring any other relics, the Manhattan district attorney’s office said in a statement Monday. The …

Last meal of a man mummified in a bog reconstructed after 2400 years
Last meal of a man mummified in a bog reconstructed after 2400 years The Tollund Man is one of the most famous ‘bog bodies’ ever discovered in northern Europe. Even though the 30- to 40-year-old human was buried in a bog more than 2,400 years ago, the acidic peat has mummified his body to a …

Millet bread and pulse dough from early Iron Age South India: Charred food lumps as culinary indicators
Millet bread and pulse dough from early Iron Age South India: Charred food lumps as culinary indicators Prof. Jennifer Bates and her coworkers, Kelly Wilcox Black and Prof. Kathleen Morrison, published a new archaeobotanical article, “Millet Bread and Pulse Dough from Early Iron Age South India: Charred Food Lumps as Culinary Indicators, ” in the …

Another Erased Black Cemetery Identified in Florida
Another “Erased” Black Cemetery Identified in Florida An unmarked African American cemetery with hundreds of graves has been found at the site of a downtown office building in Clearwater, Fla. It’s at least the fourth abandoned African American cemetery rediscovered in recent years in Florida. The finds are forcing communities to come to terms with …

5 Ice Age Mammoths Discovered Near Busy Road in England
5 Ice Age Mammoths Discovered Near Busy Road in England Experts who unearthed a 200,000-year-old mammoth graveyard say it is “one of Britain’s biggest Ice Age discoveries in recent years”. Archaeologists found the remains of five animals, including two adults, two juveniles, and an infant, at a quarry near Swindon. The dig began after two …

Egypt retrieves 36 smuggled artefacts from Spain
Egypt retrieves 36 smuggled artifacts from Spain Pharaonic artefacts that were smuggled out of Egypt in 2014 were returned to the country on Monday. The 36 pieces were seized on arrival at Valencia, Spain, that year. “This handover came as a result of effective judicial co-operation, and the result of concerted efforts between the Public …

Stone Age beads made from ostrich eggshells formed the earliest known social network
Stone Age beads made from ostrich eggshells formed the earliest known social network Humans are social creatures, but little is known about when, how, and why different populations connected in the past. Answering these questions is crucial for interpreting the biological and cultural diversity that we see in human populations today. DNA is a powerful …

Researchers discovered a 2 billion-year-old ancient nuclear reactor in Africa
Researchers discovered a 2 billion year old ancient nuclear reactor in Africa The Oklo-reactor in Gabon, Africa is one of the most intriguing geological formations found on planet Earth. Here, naturally occurring fissile materials in two billion-year-old rocks have sustained a slow nuclear fission reaction like that found in a modern nuclear reactor. Uranium-235 is …

Cosmic-Ray Muons Reveal Hidden Void in the Great Pyramid
Cosmic-Ray Muons Reveal Hidden Void in the Great Pyramid Cosmic rays have revealed a hidden void inside the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, scientists said Thursday. They don’t know what’s in it or what it was built for, but it does not look like a secret burial chamber. It’s shaped more like a 30-yard-long …

Perfectly-preserved dinosaur embryo found inside the fossilized egg in China
Perfectly-preserved dinosaur embryo found inside the fossilized egg in China A well-preserved dinosaur embryo has been found inside a fossilized egg. The fossilized dinosaur embryo came from Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province in southern China and was acquired by researchers in 2000. Researchers at Yingliang Group, a company that mines stones, suspected it contained egg fossils, but …