Three Pendants Recovered at Nazi Death Camp

Three Pendants Recovered at Nazi Death Camp

Three Pendants Recovered at Nazi Death Camp Archaeologists in Poland have discovered three pendants that belonged to people who were murdered at Sobibor, a Nazi death camp in eastern Poland. The researchers discovered two of the pendants in places where Holocaust victims were forced to undress before guards herded them into gas chambers; they discovered …

Medieval College Building Found in Oxford, England

Medieval College Building Found in Oxford, England

Medieval College Building Found in Oxford, England A “lost” Oxford University college has been unearthed during the construction project for new student flats. The former St Mary’s College was founded in 1435 but had already fallen into disrepair 100 years later. A team from Oxford Archaeology discovered a mᴀssive limestone wall foundation, butchered animal bones …

New Thoughts on the Migration Out of Africa and Into Arabia

New Thoughts on the Migration Out of Africa and Into Arabia

New Thoughts on the Migration Out of Africa and Into Arabia An international team of researchers from the Sharjah Archaeology Authority/United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Universities of Tübingen and Freiburg as well as Oxford Brookes/England led by Dr. Knut Bretzke from the University of Tübingen and Prof. Dr. Frank Preusser from the Insтιтute of …

Ancient Buddhist Temple Unearthed in Pakistan Is One of The Oldest Ever Discovered

Ancient Buddhist Temple Unearthed in Pakistan Is One of The Oldest Ever Discovered

Ancient Buddhist Temple Unearthed in Pakistan Is One of The Oldest Ever Discovered An ancient temple dating from the early centuries of Buddhism has been unearthed in the Swat Valley in northern Pakistan — part of the ancient Gandhara region that was conquered by Alexander the Great and gave rise to the mixing of Buddhist …

Rare ‘fish scale’ armour discovered in a Chinese tomb

Rare ‘fish scale’ armour discovered in a Chinese tomb

Rare ‘fish scale’ armour discovered in a Chinese tomb About 2,500 years ago, a man in northwest China was buried with armour made of more than 5,000 leather scales, a military garment fashioned so intricately, its design looks like the overlapping scales of a fish, a new study finds. The armour, which resembles an apron-like …

Headless HORSE skeleton with rider unearthed in a medieval graveyard in Germany

Headless HORSE skeleton with rider unearthed in a medieval graveyard in Germany

Headless HORSE skeleton with rider unearthed in a medieval graveyard in Germany The skeletal remains of a man buried 1,400 years ago near a headless horse have been discovered at an ancient cemetery in the town of Knittlingen in southern Germany. He likely was the horse’s owner/rider when he was alive.  The man was buried at …

A Cave in France Changes What We Thought We Knew About Neanderthals

A Cave in France Changes What We Thought We Knew About Neanderthals

A Cave in France Changes What We Thought We Knew About Neanderthals The stone rings found inside the French cave were probably built by the Neanderthals 176,500 years ago. The study says that the structures are the oldest known human constructions, possibly altering the way we think about our ancestors. The team led by archaeologist …

Breakthrough in Translating Proto-Elamite, World’s Oldest Undeciphered Writing

Breakthrough in Translating Proto-Elamite, World’s Oldest Undeciphered Writing

Breakthrough in Translating Proto-Elamite, World’s Oldest Undeciphered Writing Specialists believe that the oldest undeciphered writing system will be decoding 5,000-year-old secrets. “I hope we are actually about to make a breakthrough,” said Jacob Dahl, a fellow at Oxford Wolfson‘s College and Director of the Ancient World Research Cluster. Live Science has confirmed that Dahl’s secret …

Ancient Egyptian bird mummy turns out to be human

Ancient Egyptian bird mummy turns out to be human

Ancient Egyptian bird mummy turns out to be human A group of UK-based researchers discovered the remains of a stillborn human fetus with an unusual condition in a 2,100-year-old Egyptian mummy long thought to be that of a hawk. The mummy of an ancient bird was found at the Maidstone Museum in the United Kingdom. …

Inscription of last Babylonian king found in Saudi Arabia, ‘special’ message written in 26 lines?

Inscription of last Babylonian king found in Saudi Arabia, ‘special’ message written in 26 lines?

Inscription of last Babylonian king found in Saudi Arabia, ‘special’ message written in 26 lines? A 2,550-year-old inscription, written in the name of Nabonidus, the last king of Babylon, has been discovered carved on basalt stone in northern Saudi Arabia, the Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage recently announced.  An engraving at the top of …