Pathogens Detected in Bronze Age Remains in Greece
Pathogens Detected in Bronze Age Remains in Greece A team of researchers from the Max Planck Insтιтute for Evolutionary Anthropology, the Max Planck Insтιтute for the Science of Human History, the British School at Athens and Temple University has found evidence of pathogens in the teeth of individuals from the Bronze Age that could explain …

5000-Year-Old Water System Discovered In Western Iran
5000-Year-Old Water System Discovered In Western Iran Archaeologists in Iran made an unexpected discovery during excavations at the Farash ancient historical site at the Seimareh Dam reservoir – a 5,000-year-old water system. The research team is working hard to recover the water pipes, along with hundreds of other artefacts, before they are submerged by the …

Archaeologists Discover Missing Link in Human Evolution, in Israel
Archaeologists Discover Missing Link in Human Evolution, in Israel Researchers working in Israel have identified a previously unknown type of ancient human that lived alongside our species more than 100,000 years ago. They believe the remains uncovered near the city of Ramla represent one of the “last survivors” of a very ancient human group. The …

Medieval Artifacts Uncovered in Iceland
Medieval Artifacts Uncovered in Iceland Archaeologists in Seyðisfjörður have excavated jewellery that dates from 940 – 1100, just after the initial settlement of Iceland. Notably, one of the beads found in the excavation even bears the colours of the Icelandic national flag. Remarkably well-preserved structures in Seyðisfjörður Archaeological digs have been underway in Seyðisfjörður, a …

U.S. Repatriates Looted Artifacts to Cambodia
U.S. Repatriates Looted Artifacts to Cambodia (This August story corrects the 6th paragraph to state that Douglas Latchford was a dual citizen of Thailand and the United Kingdom, not Thailand and the United States) The United States will return to Cambodia 30 looted antiquities, including bronze and stone statues of Buddhist and Hindu deities carved …

600-Year-Old Kitchen Discovered in the Czech Republic
600-Year-Old Kitchen Discovered in the Czech Republic Archaeologists made an unusual discovery while excavating the ruins of a medieval house in the town of Nový Jičín in the Moravian-Silesian region – a well-preserved kitchen that likely dates back to the early 15th century. The medieval kitchen, containing a brick oven, hearth, ceramic dishes and even …

7,000-Year-Old Forest and Footprints Uncovered in the Atlantis of Britain
7,000-Year-Old Forest and Footprints Uncovered in the Atlantis of Britain Ancient footprints, as well as prehistoric tree stumps and logs, have become visible along a 200-meter stretch of a coastline at Low Hauxley near Amble, Northumberland, in what is believed to be Doggerland, the Atlantis of Britain. The Daily Mail reports that the forest existed …

The mummified face of Pharaoh Seti I hailed for its superior preservation
The mummified face of Pharaoh Seti I hailed for its superior preservation The mummified face of Menmaatre Seti I known as Sety I of the New Kingdom’s Nineteenth Dynasty pleasantly surprised Egyptologists with its superior preservation. His face is regarded as one of the best preserved in the world as well as in Ancient Egypt’s …

Holding hands for 5,000 years, a couple with mysterious jade rings and dagger
Holding hands for 5,000 years, a couple with mysterious jade rings and dagger Bronze Age burial near Lake Baikal intrigues archaeologists who have not yet revealed the contents of the leather pouch between man’s kneecaps. Experts speculate that this ancient couple is an elderly man and his wife or concubine, buried for eternity in a …

Why ancient Romans used sketchy, lopsided dice to gamble and play board games
Why ancient Romans used sketchy, lopsided dice to gamble and play board games People have been rolling dice for a long, long time. The first dice were made from sheep knucklebones more than 5,000 years ago in ancient Sumer, and you won if it landed on the right one of the four flat sides. Around …