Trovants, the living stones of Romania: They grow, multiply and move!

Trovants, the living stones of Romania: They grow, multiply and move!

Trovants, the living stones of Romania: They grow, multiply and move! There are strange places across the world. But these places make our planet such a wonderful and unique place. Among its many oddities and beauties, Earth has living stones. Although not literally alive, there are geological features in Europe which have the ability to …

The scientific community is perplexed by the discovery of a mummified Alien body in the Atacama desert

The scientific community is perplexed by the discovery of a mummified Alien body in the Atacama desert

The scientific community is perplexed by the discovery of a mummified Alien body in the Atacama desert The mummified alien body from the Atacama Desert is at the top of the list when it comes to findings that the science world shudders at the thought of. When it was found in 2003, no scientist could …

A 3,300-Year-Old Bird Claw Was Discovered By Archaeologists While Digging In A Cave

A 3,300-Year-Old Bird Claw Was Discovered By Archaeologists While Digging In A Cave

A 3,300-Year-Old Bird Claw Was Discovered By Archaeologists While Digging In A Cave Nearly three decades ago, a team of archaeologists were carrying out an expedition inside a large cave system on Mount Owen in New Zealand when they stumbled across a frightening and unusual object. With little visibility in the dark cave, they wondered …

Is This Man-Made Underground Complex ONE MILLION Years Old?

Is This Man-Made Underground Complex ONE MILLION Years Old?

Is This Man-Made Underground Complex ONE MILLION Years Old? While most researchers and scholars around the globe agree that human civilization as we know it only has only existed for some 12,000 years on our planet, there are countless discoveries that point toward a much different past. There are many findings ranging from temples, structures, …

Archaeologists find Bronze Age tombs containing a trove of gold artefacts

Archaeologists find Bronze Age tombs containing a trove of gold artefacts

Archaeologists find Bronze Age tombs containing a trove of gold artefacts Archaeologists have discovered a trove of engraved jewellery and gold artefacts in two Bronze Age tombs that could shine a new light on life in ancient Greece. The discovery was announced on Tuesday in Greece. The team had spent more than 18 months excavating …

A couple discover over ₹2 crore gold coins in the kitchen during the renovation

A couple discover over ₹2 crore gold coins in the kitchen during the renovation

A couple discover over ₹2 crore gold coins in the kitchen during the renovation A life-changing event occurred in a UK couple’s life when they decided to renovate their house. According to a report by The Times, a UK-based couple found 264 gold coins under the floor of their kitchen. The North Yorkshire couple has …

36,000-year-old Meat of a Mummified Bison was used for a Stew

36,000-year-old Meat of a Mummified Bison was used for a Stew

36,000-year-old Meat of a Mummified Bison was used for a Stew One Night in 1984,  A handful of lucky guests gathered at the Alaska home of palaeontologist Dale Guthrie to eat stew crafted from a once-in-a-lifetime delicacy: the neck meat of an ancient, recently-discovered bison nicknamed Blue Babe. The dinner party fit Alaska tradition: Since …

3,300 Years Ago Ancient Egyptians Collected and Revered Ancient Fossils Now Known as the ‘Black Bones of Set’

3,300 Years Ago Ancient Egyptians Collected and Revered Ancient Fossils Now Known as the ‘Black Bones of Set’

3,300 Years Ago Ancient Egyptians Collected and Revered Ancient Fossils Now Known as the ‘Black Bones of Set’ Some of the first people ever to stumble upon prehistoric fossils lived in Egypt 3,300 years ago. Their story likely started with a sandstorm. Some strong wind rose up and blew the desert sands away, exposing a …

Did Romans Eat Special Foods at Funerals?

Did Romans Eat Special Foods at Funerals?

Did Romans Eat Special Foods at Funerals? In the 1950s, a Roman necropolis (or cemetery) was found in the centre of Barcelona, hailing from the second and third centuries AD. The site – Plaça de la Vila de Madrid – was excavated again between 2000 and 2003, when a funerary complex of about 500 square …

Padlocked, restrained female ‘vampire’ discovered in 17th-century graveyard

Padlocked, restrained female ‘vampire’ discovered in 17th-century graveyard

Padlocked, restrained female ‘vampire’ discovered in 17th-century graveyard The remains of a “female vampire” have been uncovered by archaeologists at a 17th-century graveyard in Pień, Poland. Professor Dariusz Poliński and a team of researchers from Nicolaus Copernicus University were conducting the dig when they discovered the skeletal remains of the woman, who had been pinned …