These 10 Beloved Fantasy Characters Shouldn’t Have Been Killed Off

In many classic fantasy movies and TV shows, it’s to be expected that some of your favorite characters will die before the story ends. Within the speculative fiction genre, the imaginative worlds are typically more dangerous and full of terrors, making it easy for a great character to fall victim to one of these traps. Though audiences steal themselves to prepare for these potential losses, this doesn’t make it any easier when an amazing character who viewers connect with dies, especially when it’s clear that their death wasn’t entirely necessary.

Many of the saddest character deaths in recent movies show that no matter the genre when a great character perishes, it’s going to have a big impact on the audience. There are many cases when a character’s death makes narrative sense and is used to drive the story and emotional arc forward. Though all of these deaths do that, they also were shocking and derailed much of what audiences believed were the rules of the project. Even when you can see one of these losses coming, it doesn’t lessen how much they hurt.


Rufio – Hook (1991)

Died by Captain Hook’s hand in battle

Robin Williams is in many of the best live-action children’s fantasy movies, and Hook is an underrated addition to the genre. Many fantasy fans will recognize Rufio’s voice, as the actor who portrays him, Dante Basco, is the voice of Prince Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender. However, in Hook, Basco is Rufio, the Lost Boy who’s stepped in to lead the group in the wake of Peter’s disappearance. Due to this, when Peter first comes back to Neverland, the pair are at odds.

As Peter begins to remember his past and get his magic back, Rufio comes to respect and accept him as the young man he once was.

However, as Peter begins to remember his past and get his magic back, Rufio comes to respect and accept him as the young man he once was. This makes it all the more tragic when Hook kills Rufio in front of Peter, and he dies in his arms. This is a pretty intense moment for a movie meant for younger audiences and demonstrates what a true villain Hook is. If Rufio had lived, Hook likely would’ve had the same emotional impact.


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Hook (1991)




Ned Stark – Game Of Thrones (2011–2019)

Died by beheading in season 1

One of the few honorable characters in Game of Thrones, Ned’s death at the end of season 1 set a clear precedent for the tone and rules of the fantasy world. Those familiar with George R.R. Martin’s books knew that Ned’s untimely end was coming, but for those who were watching the series for the first time, his brutal beheading came out of nowhere. As Ned came closer to the truth about Cersei and Jaime, there was only one way that was going to end, and it wasn’t with Ned on the Iron Throne.

If Ned had lived, everything about Game of Thrones would’ve been different, and it’s possible that much of the war and senseless deaths would never have happened. One of the worst parts of his death is the fact that it fractured the Stark family and led to devastating loss and harrowing experiences for all of his children. Though it wouldn’t be Game of Thrones without plenty of rampant killing, it’s still hard to stomach Ned’s death.


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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)




Artax – The NeverEnding Story (1984)

Died in the Swamp of Sadness

The NeverEnding Story is a children’s fantasy classic for a reason, and while it’s fun to get lost in its exciting world and beautiful atmosphere, there are also some serious topics in the film. Ultimately, the entirety of The NeverEnding Story is about grief and overcoming loss since the protagonist, Bastian, is still grappling with the pᴀssing of his mother. He takes solace in the book The NeverEnding Story, but early on, Atreyu’s friend and stalwart companion, the horse Artax, perishes in the Swamp of Sadness.

It’s a pretty graphic and emotionally fracturing death for a kids’ movie, but The NeverEnding Story immediately lets the viewer know that this journey isn’t going to be easy. However, since there’s already such a deep underlying tone of melancholy inherent to the project, seeing Artax die so soon is almost too much to handle. The NeverEnding Story remake is confirmed, so it will be interesting to see how the new iteration of the story tackles Artax’s death.


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The NeverEnding Story (1984)




Leslie – Bridge To Terabithia (2007)

Died by falling off a rope swing

Based on the beloved children’s fantasy book of the same name by Katherine Paterson, Bridge to Terabithia is famous for its devastating twist ending. Following the budding friendship between Leslie and Jess, Bridge to Terabithia sees the tweens imagine an intricate fantasy world all of their own to escape from the harrowing ups and downs of their everyday lives. However, on the one day when Jess decides to let Leslie go to Terabithia on her own, she falls from the dangerous rope swing and dies.

While children’s media shouldn’t shy away from death and loss, Leslie’s pᴀssing is a traumatic moment for both Jess and the viewer. After building a friendship with Leslie and coming out of his shell because of her, Jess has to learn how to navigate the world without her in an instant. AnnaSophia Robb’s performance makes this loss hit even more deeply, but it’s easy to wish that Leslie had made it through the story.


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Bridge to Terabithia (2007)




Bobby – Supernatural (2005–2020)

Died by being sH๏τ as Sam and Dean escaped the Leviathans

Sam and Dean’s relationship with their father is one of the most fraught parts of Supernatural, but their relationship with Bobby helped to heal this wound. Immediately stepping into the role of both a capable ally and a father figure, Bobby was a lifeline for Sam and Dean during their most difficult moments and always a voice of reason. For many seasons, Jim Beaver’s portrayal of Bobby was a comfort and source of comic relief during Supernatural​​​​​​’s most critical scenes.

Bobby’s season 7 death in “Death’s Door” is one of the best episodes of the series, as Supernatural pays tribute to his role and gives him a fitting farewell.

Bobby’s season 7 death in “Death’s Door” is one of the best episodes of the series, as Supernatural pays tribute to his role and gives him a fitting farewell. However, this doesn’t stop it from being devastating and changing the course of Sam and Dean’s lives forever. While Supernatural would go on for many seasons after this, Bobby defined the early part of the show and shaped the way Supernatural would engage with personal relationships in the later installments.


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Supernatural (2005–2020)




Enzo – The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017)

Died by Stefan’s hand during his struggle against the ripper

Throughout The Vampire Diaries, Stefan’s ripper persona is a recurring issue for him and those around him, as it causes him to act violently and lose his humanity. This comes back in season 8 when he brutally murders Enzo in his quest to find Elena after being trapped by the Devil. It’s a convoluted chain of events, but the fact that Stefan kills Enzo in front of Bonnie just as they were going to use the cure and have a human future together is heartbreaking.

Not only was it not fair to Enzo to be so suddenly killed off, but it’s another example of how The Vampire Diaries consistently destroyed Bonnie’s happiness. After losing many friends and love interests, Bonnie finally opened herself up to love with Enzo, only for this to be ripped away as violently as possible. In some ways, it was completely pointless for The Vampire Diaries to kill off Enzo, as he and Bonnie could’ve had the happily ever after they both deserved.


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The Vampire Diaries (2009–2014)




Fred – Angel (1999–2004)

Died by being taken over by Illyria

Angel, the darker spinoff TV show of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, introduced many interesting and beloved new characters, and Fred was one of the best. Portrayed by Amy Acker, Fred joins Angel’s team at the end of season 2 after they help her escape from a demon dimension where she’s been trapped for years. This experience colors Fred’s life and the way she interacts with the world, but she still stays with Angel Investigations to fight evil and use her considerable intellect.

Just after she and Wesley rekindle their relationship, Fred is taken over by Illyria​​​​​, a demon who inhabits her body and destroys Fred from the inside.

After coming so far and only recently getting back to reality, the fact that Fred’s life is taken from her in season 5 was a shocking turn of events. Just after she and Wesley rekindle their relationship, Fred is taken over by Illyria​​​​​, a demon who inhabits her body and destroys Fred from the inside. It’s an intense death and deeply emotionally impactful for the audience and the other characters. While the Illyria storyline is interesting and is in conversation with the nature of humanity, it would’ve been nice to have Fred there until the end.



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Angel (1999–2004)




Charlie – Lost (2004–2010)

Died by sacrificing himself to warn the survivors

Dominic Monaghan’s performance as Charlie on Lost is one of the most likable characters in a fantasy TV show, and his death was one of the most surprising moments on an already shocking show. After overcoming his addiction and becoming a vital part of the team of survivors, Charlie has his ups and downs, but he always proves himself to have a good heart. Though Lost set a precedent early on that none of the characters were safe, losing Charlie marked a major shift in the series.

“Not Penny’s Boat” is one of Lost‘s biggest moments, as Charlie spends his last moments on Earth trying to warn the other survivors that they’re a long way away from being rescued. There are many moments throughout season 3 when Charlie comes close to dying, foreshadowing his fate at the end of the season. Though Charlie dies a hero, it’s hard to adapt to the show without his charm and chemistry with the other characters. Seeing him in flashbacks and visions wasn’t enough in the later installments.


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Lost (2004–2010)




Théoden – The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (2003)

Died in battle in The Return of the King

Théoden is a character whose life is marred by tragedy in The Lord of the Rings, making it all the more devastating that he dies during the final battle in The Return of the King. After being under the spell of Saruman for years and then immediately losing his son, Théoden bravely carries on and fights against Mordor throughout the series. Though Théoden’s death is made a little kinder in the movie, he still perishes in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.

He was the last of his direct line, as Éowyn and Éomer are his niece and nephew, though they loved him like a father.

Though J.R.R. Tolkien was never a fantasy author who held back from putting his characters and audience through a lot, Théoden’s death was especially sad. He was the last of his direct line, as Éowyn and Éomer are his niece and nephew, though they loved him like a father. While Théoden’s death does help motivate Éowyn to defeat the Witch King and prove herself in battle, it would’ve been fitting for Théoden to survive and finally live in peace.


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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)




Lupin & Tonks – Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)

Died in the Battle of Hogwarts

There are many tragic deaths throughout the Harry Potter series, and while many of them were justified or had a clear narrative purpose, Lupin and Tonks felt unfair. After recently having their son and sacrificing so much for Harry and the Wizarding World, they died fighting Voldemort and the Death Eaters at the Battle of Hogwarts. While there had to be casualties during the fight, the fact that their deaths happened so suddenly and unceremoniously was tough to grapple with.

Lupin and Tonks were two powerful wizards and long-time members of the Order of the Phoenix, so it’s entirely possible that they would’ve survived the battle. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Lupin becomes a father figure to Harry, and his relationship with Tonks is a big step forward for him, opening himself up to the possibility of the future. It hits hard when Harry realizes their son will grow up without parents like he did, showing how dark this fantasy series gets.

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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)



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