This skull was found in 2012 in Jamestown, the first English settlement in the US. Archaeologists believe that she is a 14-year-old girl and her body served as food for a group of survivors. They also found bones in his leg She was found among bones of discarded animals and other food scraps discarded by Jamestown settlers during the winter of the “famine age” of 1609-1610. In the same warehouse were found a stranded horse and dogs, signs that they had been discarded during a desperate winter that began with 300 settlers stacked at James Fort and ended with just 60 lean survivors to welcome a ship arriving the following spring.

This skull was found in 2012 in Jamestown, the first English settlement in the US. Archaeologists believe that she is a 14-year-old girl and her body served as food for a group of survivors. They also found bones in his leg She was found among bones of discarded animals and other food scraps discarded by Jamestown settlers during the winter of the “famine age” of 1609-1610. In the same warehouse were found a stranded horse and dogs, signs that they had been discarded during a desperate winter that began with 300 settlers stacked at James Fort and ended with just 60 lean survivors to welcome a ship arriving the following spring.
According to the study by forensic anthropologist Douglas Owsley, it was determined that the skull suffered multiple bumps and cuts with at least three different sharpened metal instruments. He concluded that these marks were made during a concerted effort to separate the soft tissue and the bone marrow.
Months of intensive scientific testing led Owsley to conclude that this treatment is clear proof of cannibalism, the first forensic cannibalism survival test in one of North America’s earliest European colonies.

Excavated skull suggests Jamestown colonists resorted to cannibalism

Remains of 14-year-old girl suggest that starving settlers had to go to extreme lengths to survive harsh winter of 1609

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