Brave the Dark
has its flaws, but as a tribute to a man who gave so much of himself to help others, it delivers a powerful message. The film is based on a true story about the life of Stan Deen, who was a high school drama teacher with a big heart. Mr. Deen touched many people’s lives with his kind and tender ways, but the person he was able to help the most was a young man named Nathaniel.
- Release Date
October 6, 2023
- Runtime
122 minutes
- Director
Damian Harris
- Writers
Dale G. Bradley
Jared HarrisStan Deen
Nicholas HamiltonNathan Williams
Jamie HarrisBarney
See All Cast & Crew
Brave the Dark follows the story of a dedicated drama teacher striving to support a troubled student while simultaneously facing his personal challenges. Released on October 6, 2023, the film delves into the complexities of mentorship and perseverance within an educational setting.
- Character(s)
Stan Deen, Nathan Williams, Barney, Nate’s Father, Henry V (voice), Johnny Alecco, Officer Smits, Judge
Brave the Dark depicts the turning point in young Nate’s life when Mr. Deen reaches out in his time of need. With simple acts, such as giving the young man a chocolate bar, and larger gestures, such as bailing Nate out of jail and inviting him to live in his home, Mr. Deen reached Nate in a way that no one else cared enough to do. However, the journey was not a smooth one, and the film depicts how both Nate and Mr. Deen had to work to overcome their challenges.
Brave The Dark Is Moving, Emotional, & Heartfelt
At its core, Brave the Dark is a simple story about love and acceptance. While the movie leans into some comical elements, such as highlighting Mr. Deen’s widespread popularity, it never loses sight of its pivotal core message. Nate experienced traumatic events in his childhood, and so he struggled to engage with others. But thanks to Mr. Deen’s patience and his willingness to look past mistakes and challenges to see the potential, Nate was able to embrace his past and grow beyond it.
At its core, Brave the Dark is a simple story about love and acceptance.
Jared Harris, who plays Mr. Deen, is well-suited for the role, as he exudes a natural warmth and sincere interest in the people he engages with. Likewise, Nicholas Hamilton is exceptional, and he manages to stand out despite playing opposite much more seasoned actors. But the movie does have lackluster areas, which break the immersion and flow of the narrative.
This is primarily due to dialogue, with some conversations having odd tones of voice that fail to resonate. The sequence of events, particularly in the third act, is underwhelming. With the film being based on a true story, it’s not always easy to bend events into a straightforward narrative, but the tension created in the back half of the film feels significantly less impactful than the first half. Despite this, it is still entertaining, and it conveys an important message while revealing the horrible secrets of Nate’s early childhood in the process.
The Message Of Brave The Dark Shines Through
Brave the Dark appears to be approaching the realm of classic films like Good Will Hunting, though this independent effort does not manage to soar quite as high. Brave the Dark’s storytelling is hindered by an overly emphatic score that occasionally distracts more than it enhances its onscreen events. It also features some inconsistencies in character development and the writing and directing could have been more polished. Still, the message comes through loud and clear.
Brave the Dark does deliver an engaging and enjoyable narrative, with excellent performances, an intriguing and compelling plot, and an important message worth listening to.
Ultimately, is more about its message than anything. It’s less concerned with making a movie that can compete with the broader landscape of cinema. Fortunately, Brave the Dark does deliver an engaging and enjoyable narrative, with excellent performances, an intriguing and compelling plot, and an important message worth listening to.