The second trailer for The Monkey has debuted. The upcoming comedy horror movie directed by Longlegs‘ Osgood Perkins is based on “The Monkey,” a short story by Stephen King, which revolves around a cursed toy monkey responsible for a slew of terrifying murders. Divergent‘s Theo James leads The Monkey‘s cast, which also includes She-Hulk: Attorney at Law’s Tatiana Maslany, The Lord of the Rings‘ Elijah Wood, and Sweet Tooth‘s Christian Convery, the last of whom plays the younger versions of James’ twin brother characters, Hal and Bill.
Now, Neon has released the second trailer for The Monkey. After the тιтular monkey’s first bloody kill, the narration explains that Hal and Bill discovered the demonic toy when they were children, and they did their best to destroy it, including dropping the monkey down a deep well. Years later, Bill calls Hal and tells him that the monkey is back and that they must destroy it. The rest of the trailer showcases the many victims who fall prey to the monkey. Watch the trailer below:
What This Means For The Monkey
It Fully Leans Into Its Gory Comedy
The Monkey‘s second trailer emphasizes that the movie will not be shying away from gore and will be fully embracing the terror of the Stephen King story. The blood pouring from the eyes of Hal and Bill’s mother (Maslany) is the most striking example of this, along with the numerous characters who are showered with blood throughout the trailer. The monkey is not a subtle killer and murders its victims in a particularly gruesome and excessive fashion.
One of the most amusing moments comes with the priest, who utters an expletive and is otherwise at a loss for words in front of his congregation given the horrifying events that have occurred.
The trailer is also a reminder that The Monkey is a comedy horror film. One of the most amusing moments comes with the priest, who utters an expletive and is otherwise at a loss for words in front of his congregation given the horrifying events that have occurred. There is also comedy in Hal mocking his brother for saying that they must “vanquish” the monkey and an overall sense of twisted humor from a toy monkey being the cause of such devastating carnage.
Our Take On The Monkey’s Trailer
It Helps Set Up 2025 As A Great Year For Stephen King Fans
The Monkey appears to be an engrossing adaptation of King’s short story. Between The Monkey releasing in theaters in February and The Life of Chuck‘s release in May, 2025 is poised to be a stellar year for fans of King’s work. While The Life of Chuck will be more heartfelt and poignant, The Monkey will be at the complete opposite end of the narrative spectrum with its outrageously gory story of a cursed toy that murders its victims in sadistic ways.
Source: Neon