Metal Sonic’s debut in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 directly set up Sonic the Hedgehog 4, but it also created a major problem for the villain in the process. Sonic the Hedgehog 3‘s post-credits scene continued the franchise’s tradition of introducing new characters from the video games. This time, it was Metal Sonic and Amy Rose who became part of the movie franchise as a result of the mid-credits scene. It showed Sonic accidentally running to New York, encountering an army of Metal Sonic robots, and then being saved by Amy Rose in the coolest introduction of the entire franchise.
The appearance of Metal Sonic is a key indicator for what Sonic the Hedgehog 4 will be about. After the deaths of Ivo and Gerald Robotnik and Shadow turning good, the franchise was in desperate need of a new villain. That’s the role Metal Sonic will presumably play in the upcoming fourth installment. Exactly what storylines Sonic 4 follows by having Metal Sonic as the main villain remains unconfirmed, but the credits scene smartly saved any Metal Sonic vs Sonic fights for the next film to showcase. Unfortunately, it also created a mᴀssive issue.
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Immediately Proved How Easily Metal Sonic Can Be Defeated
Amy Rose Makes Quick Work Of An Entire Army
Metal Sonic’s debut in Sonic 3‘s credits scene was the franchise’s chance to introduce the robot villain as one that audiences and Sonic should fear. Similarly to how Sonic 2‘s credits managed to make Shadow intimidating in only a few seconds, Metal Sonic is a character who should pose a significant threat to Team Sonic. However, Sonic 3 went a completely different route. Instead of showcasing why Metal Sonic is an antagonist that Sonic and friends should worry about encountering, it’s the ease of his defeat that takes center stage.
An entire army stood no chance when they were fighting only one character
Amy Rose swoops in during the credits scene and rather easily takes down an entire army of Metal Sonic robots. Sonic doesn’t help in destroying the bots and is left in awe as she smashes them with her Piko Piko Hammer. It’s a great display of Amy Rose’s true power levels in the Sonic franchise and manages to set her up as potentially one of Sonic’s strongest allies. But while she benefits from this approach, Metal Sonic is weakened by it. An entire army stood no chance when they were fighting only one character.
Metal Sonic’s Defeat By Amy Rose Is A Problem For Sonic The Hedgehog 4
The Next Movie Has A Metal Sonic Challenge
The issue for Sonic 4 with Metal Sonic’s portrayal is that the next movie is already in a difficult spot to portray the robotic copy of Sonic as a legitimate threat. Amy Rose will certainly be involved, but there’s no indication in Sonic 3 that they can stop her. No matter how many of them come, she should have no trouble hammering her way through Metal Sonic. That’s a problem, especially because Amy Rose won’t be the only hero fighting Metal Sonic in the fourth film. Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and likely Shadow should be there too.
Combining all five of those characters would require thousands of Metal Sonics even to put up a small fight against them. This version of Metal Sonic as shown in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 will not cut it as the main villain of Sonic the Hedgehog 4. There must be something else going on or another villain to raise the stakes and give the heroes a formidable opponent.