David Harbour is no stranger to taking on fatherly or “big brother” roles, but his character in A Working Man diverts in a unique way. Harbour plays Gunny Lefferty, a longtime friend of Jason Statham’s Levon Cade. The two previously served in the military together. As evident by the trailer, Levon still puts his combat skills to use, but Gunny, left blind by an overseas incident, lives a quiet life away from the action.
While they no longer fight side by side, Gunny and Levon’s bond continues as friends. Gunny largely operates as a mentor to Levon, sharing advice with his former comrade when he seeks it. It’s this dynamic that made Harbour liken the archer to a certain lightsaber wielder.
ScreenRant spoke with Harbour to discuss how Gunny has parallels to Obi-Wan Kenobi, what it’s like to reunite with director David Ayer after nearly one decade apart, and what a potential A Working Man sequel could have in store for his character.
David Harbour Draws Parallels Between Gunny And Obi-Wan Kenobi
“He’s not older, but this kind of dark mentor of The Force…”
Gunny may reside in this Milky Way Galaxy, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have the qualities of someone living in a star system far, far away.
“I think like the relationship between these two guys, this kind of Obi-Wan Kenobi, I mean he’s not older, but this kind of Obi-Wan Kenobi, dark mentor of The Force,” Harbour said of his A Working Man character’s dynamic opposite Jason Statham’s Levon. “I mean, he’s shooting bows as a blind guy. I mean, there’s so much fun to be had in this world that it doesn’t strain credibility. It just heightens it a little bit with what these guys are.”
Firing off those arrows comes away from the battlefield, as Gunny continues to practice his bowmanship at his secluded home. That doesn’t mean that he won’t get his hands dirty down the line, as Harbour pointed out that the Levon’s Trade source material that A Working Man is based on is quite extensive.
“There’s a bunch of books,” Harbour continued. “I could see [it]. And again, as I say, I just love me some Jason Statham, so just give me a call. Let me know where to show up.”
David Reunion: Harbour’s Third Film With Director Ayer
Harbour And Ayer Previously Collab’d On End Of Watch And Suicide Squad
When Harbour says “give me a call” about a potential sequel, he’s not kidding. The Tony-nominated actor recalled getting a ring from director David Ayer to join the A Working Man ensemble.
“He just calls and is like, ‘I got this little thing in my movie,’ and I’m always just happy to support him,” Harbour shared. “It’s funny, you meet these people throughout your career, and I’d worked with him in End of Watch early on, and he’s one of those guys who believed in me very early. I think that you sort of got to give back to those guys whenever you can, because that’s a really affirming thing for a younger actor to have some film director go point and go, ‘You. Yes.'”
Ayer’s on-set culture is something that Harbour particularly champions, pointing out that the Fury director makes an effort to do justice to the military element of the story.
“It was very easy because I had kind of an incredible support team. First of all, it’s David, and he loves this world, loves the reality of these military guys and what they do, and wants to really pay deep respect to that,” Harbour explained. “So he brought friends of his and people to weigh in on that side. Then, on the other side, there was Jason Statham. I just am a fan of a good Jason Statham action movie. I have been since I was a younger man. It’s very easy to develop a rapport with a guy who you’re just a fan of his work.”
Stay tuned for our other A Working Man interviews with…
- David Ayer
- Arianna Rivas & Noemi Gonzalez
A Working Man hits theaters on March 28.
Source: ScreenRant Plus