Michael Fᴀssbender reflects on a moment where he felt supported by Gerad Butler while filming 300. Before becoming widely known for playing Erik Lehnsherr/Magneto in numerous X-Men movies, Fᴀssbender played a supporting role in the cast of 300. He played Stelios, one of the 300 Spartan warriors who fight alongside King Leonidas (Butler) as they defend their home from King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) and the invading Persian armies.
While looking back on his career in an Entertainment Weekly video, Fᴀssbender looks back on his iconic line “Then we will fight in the shade,” which is said in response to a dying Persian soldier’s words about their arrows blotting out the sun. He reflects on how Butler ensured that he got to keep the line. Fᴀssbender explains that many lead actors would have taken the line for themselves, but Butler never did, and always supported his co-star. Check out his comments below:
Gerry was great to me on that film because he could’ve said, “I like that line, I want it for my character.” But I was allowed to keep it, and it’s always nice when the lead has got your back, and he did.
What This Means For 300 & Michael Fᴀssbender
Fᴀssbender Keeping The Line Helped The Movie & His Career
“Then we will fight in the shade” is one of 300‘s most memorable quotes, which makes it all the more meaningful that Fᴀssbender was the one to deliver it. Butler is the face of the film, but he did not need to take all the best lines and moments for himself. Instead, Fᴀssbender got a moment to shine, and this line provided more characterization for Stelios beyond his formidable abilities as a warrior. It was a reminder of the unique personalities and humanity behind each Spartan warrior and that they were more than their fighting prowess.
Beyond the positive impact that it had on the story of 300, the line made Fᴀssbender more recognizable, and paved the way for many prominent roles in the coming years. In addition to Magneto, who he first played in X-Men: First Class (2011), Fᴀssbender went on to star in Ridley Scott’s Alien prequels, Prometheus (2012) and Alien: Covenant (2017). He also played the тιтular role in Steve Jobs (2015) and portrayed slave owner Edwin Epps in the Best Picture-winning 12 Years a Slave (2013).
Our Take On Michael Fᴀssbender’s Comments
They Speaks Volumes About Gerard Butler
Not all actors are able to fondly look back on their earliest movies. It is a testament to Butler that Fᴀssbender is able to look back on 300 fondly and to remember how he felt supported by the popular action star. 300 is largely remembered for its spectacle, but one of the more underrated elements that makes the movie work so well is the camaraderie among the Spartan warriors. It is heartening to know that this camaraderie went beyond the fictional story and could be felt among the movie’s stars, regardless of their experience.
Source: EW/YouTube