Which Of These 12 Outstanding Star Wars Memes Is Your Life, Based On Your Zodiac Sign?

These 12 hilarious Star Wars memes perfectly correspond to the personalities of each of the Zodiac signs. Star Wars movies and TV shows have inspired innumerable memes over the years. The Skywalker family tree, dialogue from the movies (especially the prequel trilogy), and some confusing plot holes have all been fodder for memes for decades within this franchise.

That doesn’t mean that all Star Wars memes are mean-spirited, though. On the contrary, many Star Wars memes capture funny truths about the franchise in a way that still shows affection for these movies, shows, and characters. Based on the subject matter, tone, and intention of these 12 Star Wars memes, they are perfectly suited to the unique personalities and traits of each of the Zodiac signs.

Like Anakin, No Aries Would Accept This Disrespect

Pᴀssionate, Confident Aries Would React The Same Way


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Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and it is one of the three fire signs. It should be little surprise, then, that Aries is a sign known for being bold, pᴀssionate, and confident. Of course, Aries is also a sign known for having a bit of a temper, all of which makes this meme the perfect one for an Aries.

The meme references a Star Wars: The Clone Wars arc, in which Rush Clovis, a former love interest of Padmé’s, was challenging Anakin to a fight. This move was ridiculous enough as it was, given that Anakin was already one of Star Wars’ most powerful Jedi, but what made it all the worse was Clovis’ taunt that Anakin should fight “like a man” rather than by using the Force (as though those two things are diametrically opposed). Anakin wasted no time proving how foolish Clovis had been to say these things—and an Aries would do exactly the same.

Every Stubborn Taurus Will Have Heard Something Like This Before

This Sign Is Known For Being Self-ᴀssured And Set In Their Ways


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As the symbol of the bull suggests, the Taurus sign is ᴀssociated with stubbornness but also determination. Because of this, any Taurus can relate to this meme depicting an exchange between Anakin and Obi-Wan in The Clone Wars, in which Obi-Wan effectively tells Anakin that any ideas he gets should be shut down. Those with this Zodiac sign like to do things their own way, whether others agree or not, and that’s certainly something they share with Anakin Skywalker.

Those with this Zodiac sign like to do things their own way, whether others agree or not.

However, that’s part of the fun with a Taurus, and it’s part of the fun with Anakin as well. Yes, Anakin was a troublemaker who often went against the Jedi way and/or direct orders, but he was also such an impressive Jedi and key player in the Clone Wars because of his grit and independence. In fairness (before his fall to the dark side), Anakin was also frequently right, even when defying the rules.

Outgoing Geminis Will Love Padmé’s Flair

This Hilarious Meme Really Does Capture Padmé’s Style


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One of the most well-known aspects of Padmé Amidala’s character is her iconic wardrobe, which was showcased throughout the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Although it’s easy to overlook this appearance as simply superficial, countless Star Wars stories, especially the Padmé trilogy of books, written by E.K. Johnston, have revealed that these hairstyles, dresses, and makeup choices all had a purpose—often protecting Padmé or allowing her to achieve something while going undetected. Nevertheless, this meme is absolutely hilarious and completely accurate.

As this image makes clear, Padmé was full of flair in Star Wars, and that is specifically why this meme is a great fit for Geminis. Geminis are known for being fun, creative, and outgoing, and they would therefore relate strongly to Padmé’s flashy style. As Geminis tend to attract others with quieter personalities to balance them out, they can also likely relate to the subdued look (by comparison) of Anakin Skywalker in the meme.

Geminis are known for being fun, creative, and outgoing, and they would therefore relate strongly to Padmé’s flashy style.

Cancers Will Appreciate Anakin Skywalker Being In His Feelings

Everyone Knows How Much It Bothered Anakin To Not Be Granted The Rank Of Master


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Over the years, there have been countless memes made about Anakin Skywalker not being granted the rank of Jedi Master, as it was a major conflict in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. Anakin was famously outraged by this denial from the Jedi Council, even though he hadn’t achieved the various requirements to earn that rank. This meme, which actually pulls an image from Life as a House—one of Hayden Christensen’s best roles—perfectly captures his sentiments about that decision.

Cancers will completely understand Anakin being in his feelings about this decision by the Jedi Council. In addition to being protective of themselves and others, Cancers are known to be a bit emotional and occasionally on the sensitive side. This meme will therefore absolutely land with Cancers, who will also understand why this felt like such a disrespect to Anakin.

Fiercely Loyal Leos Will Understand Why Padmé Kept This To Herself

This Is One Of Padmé’s Most Bewildering Choices—But Leos Will Get It


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Leos are known for being bold, a bit arrogant, and short-tempered, but they are also fiercely loyal. That is precisely what makes them such a brilliant fit for this meme. Padmé Amidala was largely one of the most morally upright characters in Star Wars, particularly the prequel trilogy, but she had an absolutely bewildering moment in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones when Anakin confessed to killing all the men, women, and children of the Tusken Raider camp.

Rather than telling Anakin this was horrible or even condemning his behavior at all, Padmé simply told Anakin that to be angry is to be human. This meme references that she then went on to completely conceal the fact that this had happened from anyone else, including Obi-Wan or any of the other Jedi Council members, who absolutely should have been informed. This is arguably one of Padmé’s worst moments in Star Wars, but loyal Leos will completely understand why she stood by Anakin, even when he carried out this mᴀssacre.

Logical Virgos Will Appreciate Obi-Wan’s Rationality

Virgos Are Among The Most Responsible And Reasonable Zodiac Signs


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Virgos are known for being organized, meticulous, and logical. For this reason, Virgos will appreciate the common sense that Obi-Wan Kenobi applies in this meme. As mentioned, Padmé was incredibly loyal to Anakin, and she never stopped standing by him, even up until her dying breath in Revenge of the Sith. In this meme, though, Obi-Wan has a very different read on the situation—one that reflects Virgo logic.

Virgos are known for being organized, meticulous, and logical.

Although this isn’t really what Obi-Wan says in Revenge of the Sith (in part because he only knew about the Order 66 mᴀssacre, not the Tusken Raider incident), this does sound like something that Obi-Wan would say. Whether or not he would, though, this meme captures a more rational perspective on the likelihood that Anakin was “still good.” In the end, happily, Padmé was proven right, but Virgos will identify with this less emotional, more practical approach to Anakin’s fall to the dark side.

Libras Will Love This Joke Because They Want TRUE Balance

The Jedi May Want To Double Check Their Definition Of Balance


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A key aspect of the Chosen One prophecy was the notion that Anakin would “bring balance” to the Force. What precisely bringing balance means remains a bit difficult to pin down even now, though. To the Jedi, this meant Anakin destroying the Sith, but, as this meme points out, that’s a bit of a lopsided view of ‘balance.’ Libras will no doubt appreciate this meme’s little jab at the Jedi and its implications about what true balance is.

Libras are known to be just, fair, compᴀssionate, and diplomatic. In fact, many of these traits would theoretically make Libras brilliant Jedi themselves. That is precisely why Libras will resonate with this meme so much, though—they would want to see the Jedi prioritize true harmony and balance, rather than insist that the Force being balanced means thousands of light side Force-users and the complete destruction of the dark side.

Libras are known to be just, fair, compᴀssionate, and diplomatic.

Enigmatic Scorpios Will Love This Mystery (And A Mic Drop Moment)

Scorpios Are Known To Be Cryptic And Secretive Themselves


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Scorpio is known to be a secretive, mysterious sign, which makes this playfully cryptic meme a perfect fit. All too often, Scorpios are cast in a negative light, seen primarily as possessive, jealous, and/or manipulative. While every Zodiac sign has its strengths and weaknesses, there is so much more to a Scorpio than any single trait, and it’s certainly not true that all Scorpio traits are bad ones.

In fact, some of this classic Scorpio mystery and secrecy can be rather fun. This fits in well with this meme about the Clone Wars, which references the fact that A New Hope name-dropped a mᴀssive Star Wars event, but it wasn’t until decades later that the truth about the Clone Wars was revealed. Scorpios will no doubt appreciate both the joke of the meme and the fact that George Lucas really did keep this secret under wraps for years.

Sagittarians Will Get A Good Laugh Out Of This Dark Humor

Sagittarians Are Known To Be Blunt And Funny—A Perfect Fit For This Meme


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It’s always been a bit awkward to see Jedi like Luke Skywalker and Rey wielding Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber as heroes knowing what that lightsaber has done. Even after Anakin fell to the dark side and became Darth Vader in Revenge of the Sith, his lightsaber remained blue, as he hadn’t yet gone through the process of bleeding a kyber crystal. Sadly, this means that the very lightsaber that cut down innocent younglings during Order 66 was also the one seen throughout the original and sequel trilogies.

This meme addresses that brutal history of Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber head on, and it does so in a way that is perfect for any Sagittarius. Sagittarians are known to be funny but also blunt, which means this dark humor is right up their alley. A Sagittarius will therefore appreciate not only the realism of this meme but also the fact that it points out a painful truth with a sense of humor.

Just Like Obi-Wan, Capricorns Will Never Give Up

Capricorns Are Known To Be Determined, And Clearly Obi-Wan Is Too


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It’s almost universally agreed that Obi-Wan Kenobi is one of Star Wars’ best characters, and he’s a brilliant example of how a Jedi should be. However, this meme points out that Obi-Wan certainly wasn’t always victorious—quite the opposite. Despite claiming Sith Lords were a specialty of his, this meme makes it clear that Obi-Wan lost to Sith time and time again (although he also beat a few as well).

Capricorns will appreciate the evident perseverance Obi-Wan exemplifies in this meme. Capricorns are known to be hardworking, determined, and persistent, all of which is evident in Obi-Wan’s unfailing dedication to taking down the Sith, no matter how many times he quite literally gets knocked down. As Capricorns are also known to be incredibly ambitious, they will likely approve of Obi-Wan calling Sith Lords his specialty even in light of these losses.

Brilliant Aquarians Will Respect Palpatine’s Incredible Strategy

This Meme Really Is An Accurate Representation Of The Clone Wars


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Palpatine is one of Star Wars’ most powerful Sith, but he also proved to be one of the franchise’s greatest masterminds. The prequel trilogy had already made that quite clear, given he managed to nearly single-handedly bring an end to the Jedi and the Republic, but The Clone Wars revealed in even greater detail just how meticulous his planning was. This is what makes this meme so brilliant, though; this is a perfect representation of just how crafty Palpatine had been.

This is also what makes this meme an ideal fit for Aquarians. The Aquarius Zodiac sign is well-known for intelligence, in addition to creativity and innovation. While few Aquarians would take the path Palpatine took, as this sign is also strongly ᴀssociated with humanitarianism, every Aquarius will be able to relate to the strategic genius of Palpatine that this meme nods to.

The Aquarius Zodiac sign is well-known for intelligence, in addition to creativity and innovation.

Empathetic Pisces Will Understand That Anakin Just Needed A Little Therapy

Pisces Is Perhaps The Only Sign That Would Have This Level Of Compᴀssion For Darth Vader


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The Pisces Zodiac sign is known for being compᴀssionate, empathetic, and emotional, all of which makes this meme the perfect fit for a Pisces. It isn’t easy to have compᴀssion for a villain like Darth Vader even knowing he is ultimately redeemed, but a Pisces will have no trouble finding it in their heart to do so. In fact, a Pisces would likely appreciate the acknowledgment that Anakin Skywalker may have been saved had his issues been tackled earlier on.

Anakin may not have had therapy available to him in the Star Wars galaxy, but it is regrettable that he clearly didn’t have a healthy way to work through his more troubling emotions, particularly anger and fear. Pisces, perhaps more so than any other sign, will see what a major difference such outlets could have made. Each of these 12 Star Wars memes really do perfectly capture the personalities of the Zodiac signs.

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