The Lord Of The Rings: What If Bilbo Took The One Ring To Mordor Instead Of Frodo

The protagonist of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Frodo Baggins, is one of the most unforgettable heroes within the fantasy canon. J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of the epic books and the prequel, The Hobbit, created both Frodo and his older cousin, Bilbo, as two of the most significant ring bearers of the series. While Frodo is known for taking the One Ring all the way to Mount Doom to destroy, Bilbo never embarked on a journey of this scale. However, it’s undeniable that Bilbo wasn’t seduced by the Ring the way other characters were.

There are many reasons why the Ring affected Bilbo differently than Frodo in Lord of the Rings, so it’s interesting to question whether Bilbo would’ve been capable of shouldering the burden Frodo did. If Bilbo had come into contact with the Ring and been the one who willingly ᴀssumed the responsibility of taking the Ring to its destruction, it’s entirely possible that he would have made it all the way, as he has a pure heart. However, the external factors that made Frodo’s journey so strenuous might have been too much for Bilbo.

Bilbo Shows Great Restraint With The One Ring, But He Might Not Have Under Frodo’s Circumstances

The period when Frodo had the Ring was much more strenuous than Bilbo’s time

Bilbo gives Frodo Sting

When Frodo comes into possession of the One Ring, it’s when Sauron is gaining strength, almost back at full power, and the Ring awakens from its dormant period. This, combined with the fact that Frodo was actively bringing the Ring to Mount Doom to destroy it, makes his experience with the Ring vastly different from Bilbo’s. It’s incredible that Bilbo wasn’t corrupted by the Ring as Gollum was, as he had it for plenty of time, but Bilbo still had deep ties to the Shire, and Sauron wasn’t back when he found the Ring.

As Lord of the Ring progresses, we see Frodo get increasingly attached to the Ring and struggle to resist its temptation.

The fact that Bilbo resisted the One Ring in Lord of the Rings and willingly gave up the Ring after possessing it for years is an indicator of his strength. However, this was during a period of peace when the Ring was bidding its time and not actively trying to return to Sauron. As Lord of the Ring progresses, we see Frodo get increasingly attached to the Ring and struggle to resist its temptation. However, the Ring was working much harder to possess Frodo and control him at this point.


Rotten Tomatoes Critic Score

Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score

The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)



The Two Towers (2002)



The Return of the King (2003)



The Hobbit Proved Bilbo Could Handle An Adventure Like The One In Lord Of The Rings

Bilbo is just as resourceful and brave as Frodo

Of course, it’s because Bilbo first left the Shire and decided to have an adventure that the events of Lord of the Rings unfold, and that Frodo feels he can venture out on his own as well. It’s because Frodo idolizes Bilbo and sees that Hobbits can leave the Shire that he’s empowered to help Gandalf and realizes he’s the only person who can carry the burden of the Ring. The Lord of the Rings is much more intense and violent than The Hobbit. However, Bilbo faces down a dragon and shouldn’t be underestimated.

Bilbo was around Frodo’s age when he went on his adventure, and he found friendship and companionship with the dwarves he met, meaning he would’ve easily fit into the Fellowship. However, The Hobbit book is much less action-packed than the movie adaptations, and Bilbo doesn’t face as much high-stakes danger as Frodo. The Lord of the Rings movies have more action than The Hobbit movies, and Frodo comes face to face with many terrifying creatures. Though, it’s possible that Bilbo would show just as much bravery in his shoes.


Rotten Tomatoes Critic Score

Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score

An Unexpected Journey (2012)



The Desolation of Smaug (2013)



The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)



Gollum Would Have Complicated Things For Bilbo’s Journey With The One Ring

It’s unlikely that Bilbo and Gollum would’ve been able to make peace

Frodo, Sam, and Gollum crouched on a mountainside in Lord of the Rings

Gollum is one of the most complex and interesting characters in Lord of the Rings, as he’s conflicted by the centuries of corruption by the Ring and the kindness Frodo shows him. In some ways, Gollum is simply helping Frodo and Sam get to Mount Doom to betray them and ultimately take the Ring for himself, but he does feel an attachment to Frodo that he never would’ve with Bilbo. The confrontation in the cave between Bilbo and Gollum would’ve made any relationship impossible.

If Bilbo had been the one to carry the Ring to Mount Doom, Gollum would’ve killed him the first chance he got. Instead of helping Bilbo and eventually being the one to complete the Ring’s journey of destruction, Gollum would’ve been a consistent roadblock for Bilbo. It’s possible that Bilbo would have simply killed Gollum and gone on with his journey, but the fact that he initially showed mercy proves that Bilbo does have an inherently kind heart and wouldn’t want to do this, leading to later issues.

There’s Another Thing Frodo Had Going For Him In LOTR That Bilbo Didn’t

Frodo wasn’t alone in his journey

Frodo is never alone in his journey to destroy the Ring. Even after he leaves the Fellowship, Sam stays with Frodo until the end, and it’s undeniable that Frodo couldn’t have completed his task without Sam. Additionally, even if Merry and Pippin are sometimes more of a nuance than a help, their personal connections to Frodo help motivate him, and they contribute in other ways as the story continues. Unlike Frodo, Bilbo didn’t have these kinds of friends and deep personal connections to other Hobbits.

Though he loved the Shire, Bilbo didn’t have the kind of friends that Frodo did, and this piece of the narrative can’t be overlooked. Without Sam, Merry, and Pippin, Frodo likely would’ve been bogged down by the pressure of carrying the Ring and would’ve lost sight of why he was so determined to destroy it. Though Bilbo made friends on his own adventure, they weren’t from the Shire and didn’t share the history and chemistry that Frodo had with his allies.

Bilbo Baggins Would Not Have Been Able To Destroy The One Ring Like Frodo

He wouldn’t have made it to Mount Doom like Frodo does

Bilbo-With-Ring (2) (1)

Bilbo Baggins wouldn’t have been able to destroy the One Ring as Frodo did in Lord of the Rings. While it’s true that Frodo himself makes the wrong choice in the end and isn’t immune to the pull of the Ring, I don’t think Bilbo would’ve made it that far to begin with. The reason the Ring has such a difficult time swaying Frodo and finding something to manipulate him with is because the thing Frodo wants most is to destroy the Ring. Since the Ring uses people’s deepest desires to use them, it struggles with Frodo.

Even if Bilbo had made it to Mount Doom, he wouldn’t have had Sam, whose dedication to Frodo and understanding of the Ring are vital to its destruction.

Conversely, Bilbo has more material desires than Frodo. Though the ways he uses the Ring throughout his life are relatively innocuous, they prove that the Ring would’ve had an easier time using him as a tool of Mordor. Even if Bilbo had made it to Mount Doom, he wouldn’t have had Sam, whose dedication to Frodo and understanding of the Ring are vital to its destruction. Additionally, without Gollum, the Ring wouldn’t have been destroyed at all, and the kindness that Frodo shows Gollum in The Lord of the Rings plays into Gollum’s actions at the end of the story.

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