One absurd detail in Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith proves that Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious was truly obsessed with the Death Star long before the original Star Wars trilogy—and before the Republic had even fallen. There are actually multiple sightings of the Death Star in Revenge of the Sith, although most of them are easy to miss. In addition to Darth Vader and Palpatine looking out a window and observing the early construction of the Death Star, there is also a shocking scene in which Palpatine looks at the Death Star plans in his office.
This is particularly shocking because he was doing so right out in the open, seemingly without any fear. This isn’t the only Death Star Easter egg in Revenge of the Sith, though, and the other example is truly bizarre. This subtle, blink-and-you-miss-it detail in Revenge of the Sith not only acts as a Death Star Easter egg but also proves that Palpatine was downright obsessed with creating this superweapon.
Palpatine Even Had The Death Star Engraved On His Tables
Images Of The Death Star Are Visible In Revenge Of The Sith
In Revenge of the Sith, Palpatine has imagery of the Death Star engraved on his tables, which can be seen as he and Anakin exit his office in one scene. Although this is mind-boggling, it actually suits Palpatine’s characterization across the Star Wars timeline. Palpatine very clearly had no fear when it came to his long-term plans, so much so that he was doing many things right out in the open, including teasing the Empire’s greatest weapon.
Palpatine very clearly had no fear when it came to his long-term plans.
In addition to this being very brazen on Palpatine’s part, this also proves just how obsessed Palpatine was with creating this superweapon. There was really no other reason for Palpatine to have these engravings on his tables, other than he was clearly bent on bringing this weapon to life and wanted that visual reminder of what was to come. This has interesting implications for Revenge of the Sith, but the Sith obsession with superweapons has since bled into several other Star Wars movies and TV shows as well.
Seriously, What Is It With Sith & Superweapons?
The Sith Just Couldn’t Give Up On This Dream
The Death Star is not the only superweapon in Star Wars. Confusingly, after seeing how relatively easily the Rebels wiped out the Death Star, the Empire immediately jumped right into building a second Death Star—suggesting Palpatine really couldn’t let this idea go. Although Snoke and Kylo Ren aren’t technically Sith, they certainly tried to copycat that model, and they too had to have their own superweapon, Starkiller Base.
The Empire immediately jumped right into building a second Death Star—suggesting Palpatine really couldn’t let this idea go.
These repeated efforts raise questions about why the Sith are so focused on superweapons. Sith are powerful Force users and skilled in combat, so what about the superweapon strategy is so compelling? This has me wondering whether the Sith doubt their ability to obtain or retain power, perhaps because they don’t have strength in numbers, and therefore must rely on mᴀssive weapons to gain control. Regardless, it’s abundantly clear from this Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith scene that Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious was obsessed with the Death Star long before the original trilogy.