Viewers may be left puzzled by Matangi’s brief appearance in Moana 2, especially since her arc remains unresolved by the film’s end. While her tragic contract with the evil storm god sentences her to a small role in the sequel, the saucy bat lady leaves a lasting impression that confirms Moana 3 should give her top priority. As the most enigmatic of Moana 2‘s characters, Matangi offers plenty of great clues that reveal a larger story thematically aligned with the overall franchise.
The wind demigod not only plays a crucial role in guiding Moana toward Motufetū, but also strengthens Moana 2‘s positive reviews by enriching the franchise’s exploration of Polynesian mythology. Though not explicitly confirmed, Matangi’s hinted past connects her to the popular Wayfinder and her people’s ancient traditions. Notably, since she is introduced as an ally, many expected her to be freed by Moana 2‘s ending and to officially join the Motunui Tautai’s grand mission. However, Matangi’s notable absence suggests her story was deliberately left unfinished.
Matangi Is Strangely Absent From Moana 2’s Third Act
Matangi’s Ending Becomes A Mystery Reserved For Moana 3
Based on Leutogi, a Samoan princess-turned-goddess, Matangi was initially thought to be a new villain in the franchise. Even if she is arguably evil in her Polynesian myths, Moana 2‘s creators clearly meant to redeem the figure, at the same time as they changed her story. Moana 2 makes Matangi a wayfinder who was tricked by the god storm, as he trapped her inside a giant clam and forced her to guard the portal leading to Motufetū. It is suggested that if Moana breaks Nalo’s curse, Moana 2‘s bat lady will be set free.
Disney hasn’t yet confirmed Moana 3.
Though the wind demigod gets one of the best songs in Moana 2, and is written to be a key ally to Moana, Matangi returns only until after the movie ends — her fate becoming a strange mystery that isn’t fully resolved. In fact, she barely gets 10 minutes of screen-time. Though her absence could be a result of the sequel being shortened and cut from its original series format — as great characters like Simea or Nalo, too, feel underused — there is also a justified reason for Matangi not returning to help Moana in the final battle.
Moana 2’s Post-Credits Scene Confirms She Was Imprisoned By Nalo
Matangi Likely Had A More Definite Ending In The Moana Disney+ TV Show
Shortly after its theatrical release, creators confirmed the Moana 2 post-credits scene had last-minute changes — further supporting the idea that Matangi’s role may have been very different in the Disney+ TV show. Notably, the sequence shows Matangi demanding Nalo free her, as she has paid her debt. That is, she guarded the entrance to Motufetū as long as it was necessary. However, it’s hinted that the storm god suspects his prisoner helped Moana and her crew, which is why he doesn’t let her go.
It would make sense that Matangi’s second imprisonment was added to Moana 2 as a way to create anticipation for the next installment, something the first movie didn’t care to do.
Not only that, but the Moana 2‘s post-credits scene suggests Matangi will be forced to help two gods seek vengeance on Moana, as Tamatoa demonstrates a desire to join the evil effort. It would make sense that Matangi’s second imprisonment was added to Moana 2 as a way to create anticipation for the next installment, something the first movie didn’t care to do. This could have been a request from Disney executives, as all signals suggest that the Moana franchise is being set up as a Frozen replacement.
What Moana 2’s Credits Mean For Matangi’s Franchise Future
Moana 3 Can Take Matangi’s Story On Unexpected Paths If It Explores Her Past Connections
Matangi’s fate is now a priority in the audience’s minds, and she could be a central focus in a potential third installment. Notably, some theories believe Moana 3 should kill Maui, as this opens the space to develop characters like Simea and Matangi. While being imprisoned by Nalo limits the places Matangi can go, the villain could use her to abuse Moana’s trust. Even if she is hinted at being good, Matangi remains highly mysterious, and could prove to be more complicated once her backstory is explored.
Hopefully, however, Matangi will introduce a new demigod team up in Moana 3, as she is hinted at having had a relationship with Maui but also a wayfinding past that might connect to Moana. There are definitely elements of Awhimai Fraser’s character that were cut from Moana 2 that warrant a place in the third installment. Exploring her Polynesian origins, including Matangi’s powers, villainous side, and tragic human relationships, could bring exciting possibilities for Moana 3‘s continuation of her liberation story.