One of the most important moments in all of Star Wars comes in A New Hope when Darth Vader kills his former master Obi-Wan Kenobi, but one theory sees the moment as the beginning of Anakin Skywalker’s redemption. The Star Wars prequels established Anakin Skywalker’s origin and eventual fall to the dark side and his transformation into the Sith Lord Darth Vader. However, Anakin’s relationship with Obi-Wan always emotionally affected him, whether they were on the same side or not.
The Obi-Wan Kenobi limited series also established that Darth Vader held a grudge against his former master for how he left him to burn and die on Mustafar, an event that audiences saw in Star Wars Episode III—Revenge of the Sith. The end of Obi-Wan Kenobi also established how Obi-Wan learned how to become a Force ghost from his former master Qui-Gon Jinn. Obi-Wan famously became a Force ghost in the latter two movies of the original Star Wars trilogy.
Darth Vader Knew Obi-Wan Had Become A Force Ghost
Obi-Wan Warned Vader It Would Happen
Darth Vader confronted Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Death Star, and Obi-Wan’s dialogue warned him that he would become more powerful than before. We know that Vader had heard Qui-Gon Jinn’s voice before, meaning he was aware it was possible for a Jedi to become something like a Force Ghost. We also know – from Tessa Gratton’s short story “Masters,” in Stories of Jedi & Sith – that it is possible to sense when a Jedi becomes a Force Ghost.
With this information in mind, when Obi-Wan and Vader dueled, it was clear that Vader was aware of what happened after he struck Obi-Wan. Additionally, when Obi-Wan dies, his body disappears, which should surely have clued Darth Vader in that something unusual had happened. While it’s not explicit, knowing Vader’s Force sensitivity, he likely had a good idea what happened after killing Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan’s Death Proved The Light Side Was The Key To Immortality
And That Shook Darth Vader
When Anakin Skywalker fell to the dark side in Revenge of the Sith, he partially did so in order to save his wife Padmé Amidala from her death. Immortality was one of Palpatine’s biggest selling points to Anakin, with the Sith Lord insisting he could save her if he embraced his darkness. While Padmé ultimately died of a broken heart after giving birth, Palpatine made his newly appointed apprentice Darth Vader believe that he was the one who had killed Padmé.
However, sensing that Obi-Wan became a Force ghost and was therefore immortal after killing him, likely shook Vader’s belief in the dark side.
However, sensing that Obi-Wan became a Force ghost and was therefore immortal after killing him, likely shook Vader’s belief in the dark side. He would surely have begun to realize that the only way to be immortal was through the light. While it would still take Vader a few years to return to the light with the help of his son, Luke Skywalker, this was likely the first instance of wanting to return to the light.
Obi-Wan’s Death Undermined Darth Vader’s Faith In Palpatine
And Initiated His Eventual Betrayal of the Sith
In Return of the Jedi, Vader betrays Palpatine in order to save his son, and seemingly kills him. However, it was clear that Vader didn’t betray Palpatine only because of Luke; there were multiple events that called Palpatine’s loyalty into question. Obi-Wan’s death was likely the first thing that truly undermined Vader’s faith in Palpatine and the dark side.
Palpatine would later return in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker where it was revealed he had been working on solutions to immortality since the beginning of the Empire.
After Obi-Wan’s death, Vader could see that Palpatine either lied or was wrong. Knowing Palpatine’s knowledge of the Force and the dark side, it’s clear that he had to have lied to Vader. If the dark was not the key to conquering death, then it had to be the light. Anakin also knew that the Sith Rule of Two was meant to keep him subservient to Palpatine until he was ready to strike down his master, but Vader didn’t want to kill him to become a Sith Master, but because he betrayed Vader long before Vader betrayed Palpatine.
While audiences may never get a fully-fledged answer about when Vader’s allegiances started to shift, it’s clear that Obi-Wan’s death was a catalyst for Darth Vader. The knowledge of Luke likely helped push Vader back toward the light, but it started because Obi-Wan became a Force ghost. Obi-Wan’s death essentially starts the best redemption arc in all of Star Wars.